Polkadot Integrates “Smart Trigger” Platform PARSIQ

Polkadot Integrates “Smart Trigger” Platform PARSIQ

THELOGICALINDIAN - PARSIQs Smart Trigger technology is now accordant with the Polkadot Relay Chain

PARSIQ has aloof launched on one of Web3’s capital networks. 

PARSIQ Now on Polkadot 

The Polkadot Relay Chain has chip PARSIQ’s “Smart Triggers,” acceptation users will be able to accept transaction alerts via the platform. 

“Smart Triggers” are PARSIQ-native affairs that aggregate abstracts from beyond altered blockchains and broadcast that abstracts off-chain. In added words, they broadcast Web3 action to Web2 applications. That could beggarly sending transaction alerts to users, bridging events, ecology abstracts flow, sending amount alerts, and more.

For example, a Polkadot banker may use PARSIQ to accept an active back an arbitrage befalling arises due to an asset falling in price, or they may get notified back their Polkadot wallet receives a DOT payment. PARSIQ can additionally be acclimated to arrange bots. 

Like Polkadot, PARSIQ bridges abstracts beyond a arrangement of chains, which anniversary has its own uses. Polkadot has become one of the ascendant Web3 platforms partly on the affiance of its “parachain” architecture. Aside from the Polkadot Relay Chain, parachains like Acala Network and Moonbeam anatomy allotment of the ecosystem. 

PARSIQ is additionally chip into Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Celo, DASH, and Algorand.

Its latest amend brings Polkadot one footfall afterpiece to its eyes for Web3, area amount can be exchanged advisedly amid parties on an Internet-based network. Ethereum is Polkadot’s better battling in the chase to body the foundations for Web3 and shares some similarities, except its affairs to use atom chains and Layer 2 solutions rather than parachains.

But if both platforms abide to grow, the approaching of Web3 could absolutely be multi-chain. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH, FLI, and several added cryptocurrencies. PRQ, PARSIQ’s built-in token, was SIMETRI’s January Pick of the Month (PoM). This commodity was accounting apart of this.