Possible Litecoin and Monero Merger Steps Closer To Reality

Possible Litecoin and Monero Merger Steps Closer To Reality

THELOGICALINDIAN - Charlie Lee admits his appetite to assignment with Monero in a alternation of tweets he acquaint bygone claiming that Litecoins clamminess would be a acceptable fit for Moneros anonymity and fungibility

Monero (XMR) activity advance Riccardo Spagni and Litecoin (LTC) architect Charlie Lee would arise to be demography acting babyish accomplish in potentially bringing their two bill closer. Spagni acquaint the following tweet yesterday, which aboriginal bandied the abstraction of a accessible alliance amid the two cryptocurrencies:

Lee, who has declared a admiration for added anonymity in the accomplished with attention to Litecoin,  was quick to acknowledge in his own dogged address with his own alternation of tweets:

The above tweet highlights what is bound acceptable the approaching administration for cryptocurrency: on-chain diminutive swaps, area two altered bill can apparently be exchanged in a defended and burning manner. On-chain diminutive bandy technology is set to accommodate the accepted crypto industry, as it was enabled by the afresh allowable SegWit changes that Litecoin aboriginal activated and Bitcoin assuredly adopted backward aftermost year. Lee went on to busy on his appetite to see Monero’s different anonymity and fungibility accompaniment Litecoin’s liquidity:


It would not be the aboriginal time that Charlie Lee has accomplished out to added bill for accommodating opportunities. He ahead helped adored an ailing Dogecoin through acceptance the two bill to be mined together. This was in the aboriginal canicule of basin abundance swapping, area mining pools would about-face to abundance the best assisting bread at that absolute time. Litecoin was able to action Dogecoin a activity bulk while additionally introducing the alone association to Litecoin and the added apple of crypto.

Lee: I'm Not Quitting

Charlie Lee afresh fabricated account with his move to abstracted his own banking interests from the Litecoin association by affairs his absolute allotment of Litecoins. This was broadly apparent as him abandoning his own coin.

Selling his backing was a PR move that turned actual wrong for Lee in the arbitrary apple of crypto. Lee had ahead been apparent as accouterment a able allegorical duke for the crypto association as a accomplished by administering the accomplishing of SegWit on Litecoin and after Bitcoin. This was a accomplishment that complex persuading the interests of ample mining operations. Much of the amicableness he had congenital up was brought bottomward by accusations of arrogance and of accident acceptance in his own coin.

If the Monero affiliation goes ahead, it would save a lot of development time for Litecoin, which has its own foundation, to which Lee contributes. Yet, in turn, the development accountability mentioned in Lee’s cheep would additionally abatement to Monero as well.

Are you a Litecoin owner? Would a affiliation with Monero be article you would like to see? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Bitcoinist archives, Twitter/@SatoshiLite, Twitter/@fluffypony, and Pixabay.