Publishing Platform Substack to Accept Onchain, Lightning Network Bitcoin Payments via Opennode

Publishing Platform Substack to Accept Onchain, Lightning Network Bitcoin Payments via Opennode

THELOGICALINDIAN - On Monday the publishing belvedere Substack appear the aggregation is now accepting bitcoin payments Substack will be alive with the acquittal processor Opennode and the publishing belvedere will advantage the Lightning Network and onchain payments

Substack Partners With Payment Processor Opennode to Support Bitcoin Payments

The online belvedere Substack is a publishing, analytics, and architecture basement web aperture that was founded in 2017. The website provides abutment for cable newsletter casework and to-date, Substack has over 500,000 paid subscribers.

The California-based aggregation has developed accepted back its birth and has a all-around website baronial of 3,643, according to statistics from In the U.S. Substack has a baronial of about 1,538 and the U.S. represents 46.11% of the site’s traffic. Substack has alone bottomward the ladder in agreement of website rankings for the United States, according to’s data.

On August 23, the bitcoin acquittal processor Opennode appear a columnist absolution answer that Substack would be accepting BTC.

“[Substack] has chip their bitcoin API to action bitcoin payments on the online publishing platform,” the aggregation said. “Opennode will ability both [onchain] and Lightning Network bitcoin payments,” Opennode added added. The advertisement additionally says, at the start, advantageous with BTC will be able to be acclimated with “select publications.”

“We’re aflame to be alive with Opennode to accredit absolute publishers on Substack to acquire crypto payments,” Nick Inzucchi, the artefact artist at Substack explained. “Having this advantage will accord writers added adaptability and freedom, and we attending advanced to accomplishing added in crypto to accommodated writers’ needs.”

Opennode CTO: ‘Bitcoin Is a Natural Fit for Substack’

Dan Held from Kraken explained that he was admiring to advice Substack forth with the company’s latest decision. “Excited to accept played a allotment in allowance [get] bitcoin payments enabled at Substack, I absolutely accepted the admiration of administration alert to our requests,” Held said.

Peter Yang from said on Twitter: “This is a big deal. Congrats Substack, Opennode, and all parties involved.”

“Our affiliation will acquiesce agreeable creators beyond the Substack ecosystem to acquire bitcoin payments, and absorb balance in bitcoin or catechumen to adopted currency. Writers and podcasters accept flocked to Substack to achieve artistic and banking freedom, and bitcoin is a accustomed fit,” João Almeida, the co-founder and CTO at Opennode assured during the announcement.

What do you anticipate about Substack accepting bitcoin for payments via Opennode? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, Substack Inc logo,