eToro Market Update: D-Day is Coming!

eToro Market Update: D-Day is Coming!


As you may know, every ages we’re accomplishing a appropriate webcast for all platinum audience in eToro to go over the accessible contest and best bazaar opportunities.

Due to accepted demand, we’ve absitively to accessible up the webcast on a annual base for anybody to participate. Tomorrow will be the absolute timing for this “all-access” webcast, aloof advanced of D-Day, which is appointed for this Friday. (More on this below)

To accompany in, amuse annals now at:

See you there!

@MatiGreenspan – eToro, Senior Market Analyst

Please note: All data, abstracts & graphs are accurate as of July 4th. All trading carries risk. Only accident basic you can allow to lose.

We’d like to ambition a actual blessed Independence Day to all of our colleagues and audience in the United States.

Please agenda that abounding assets will be bankrupt for trading today at assorted hours. Feel chargeless to analysis the market hours page for the specific markets you’re trading.

With that in mind, we’re acceptable to experience diminished volumes beyond the lath abnormally in the afternoon.

Stocks are bottomward this morning in Asia and Europe, acutely not demography advantage of the US holiday. The China50 basis is bottomward about 1% today as

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In a Hong Kong interview, JPM’s Jing Ulrich acicular out that due to the bound acclaim and acreage markets in China, it’s not aloof barter that’s on the band appear this Friday, which she referred to as “D-Day.”

Between the China barter accommodation and the American Jobs numbers, this Friday could absolutely prove actual active indeed.

Ulrich additionally acicular out the weakness in the Chinese Yuan, article we’ve been watching carefully as well. As we can see here, the US Dollar has accustomed aback some arena in the aftermost 48 hours (last two candles) but charcoal stronger than boilerplate (blue band = 200 DMA).


Judging by the reactions in the banal bazaar it does assume like the US has the high duke in these negotiations. Here we can see the Dow Jones (white line) Vs the China50 (green) back the alpha of the year.

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Still, China does accept addition agenda that they accept so far been afraid to play. At the moment, China is holding approximately $1.19 abundance account of US bonds, which is about 19% of America’s adopted debt.

So far these assets accept been advised off-limits in these negotiations as any abrupt debt dump by China would acceptable aching both economies. However, should things abide to amplify at the accepted pace, it wouldn’t abruptness me if Xi Jinping started hinting at such a move.

Yesterday we had a rather sour update on the angle for crypto in India.

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As we know, India’s axial coffer (RBI) has imposed a ban on cryptocurrencies that is set to be activated this Friday, D-Day.

The accident bygone was an aboriginal audition that was requested by crypto-companies to try and stop the ban from demography abode and, unfortunately, the courts alone the motion by advancement the ban for now.

The acumen that the RBI gave in cloister was rather adverse though…

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By this aforementioned argument, they would charge to aphorism out all forms of agenda money, which India has been relying on back Modi’s government got rid of 86%of the coffer addendum in 2016.

In any case, this amend doesn’t assume to accept afflicted the bazaar too much. The feature audition is still set for July 20th. This isn’t over yet!

As investors delay patiently for the abutting advancement to the Ethereum network, some may be accident patience.

The advancement accepted as Casper is declared to be ablaze and will reportedly accommodate things like PoS and sharding, which will accomplish the arrangement abundant added scalable. However, alike admitting Ethereum founders Vitalik Beterin and Joseph Lubin accept adumbrated that the advancement will appear soon, we still accept no official absolution date.

In the meantime, the arrangement is assuming serious signs of congestion and abounding affairs are actuality delayed.

In this chart, we can see the four better platforms that are aggressive to be the cardinal one arrangement for decentralized apps.

d-day, cryptocurrency, trading,

As we mentioned yesterday, NEO is aerial afresh and that move has agitated through this morning in a big way.

There are two big account that could be accidental to the surge…

The aboriginal is that NEO seems to be demography their first steps towards decentralizing the network.

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For our barter in China, actuality is the amend that NEO posted on their Twitter augment yesterday.

In a abstracted update, a landmark ruling in China adumbrated a rather favorable position appear agenda assets.

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Though we apperceive that ICOs accept been actionable in China back September 2024, blockchain technology seems to be award added favor in the country lately. As NEO is the cardinal one blockchain in China, this could accommodate a able anecdotal for its development and acceptance there.

Wishing you an amazing day ahead!

This agreeable is provided for advice and educational purposes alone and should not be advised to be advance advice or recommendation. 

The angle presented is a claimed assessment of the analyst and does not represent an official position of eToro.

Past achievement is not an adumbration of approaching results. All trading involves risk; alone accident basic you are able to lose.

Cryptocurrencies can broadly alter in prices and are not adapted for all investors. Trading cryptocurrencies is not supervised by any EU authoritative framework.

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