Q&A with Coined: First documentary about Cryptocurrency

Q&A with Coined: First documentary about Cryptocurrency

THELOGICALINDIAN - When I aboriginal heard of Coined I was athrill Yes we accept the acclaimed Dogecoin NASCAR and now the St Petersburg Football Bowl hosted by Bitcoin via Bitpay but a cine My absorption was anon ailing Now Im blessed to advertise that I was able to acquaintance some bodies over at Coined Adam Cornelius and Chris Higgins the blur creators Afore the absolute QA I anticipate a little bit of accomplishments apropos this activity would be aloof As of now Coined is a kickstarter activity attractive to accomplish a abounding breadth affection blur that would be a documentary absorption on altcoins primarily Dogecoin Why Dogecoin According to Chris it has had the hugest success in the aftermost 5 months see Dogecoin NASCAR They plan on absorption on a broader set of cryptocurrencies apprehend to see Bitcoin Litecoin etc in the abutting advancing months about to accomplish this a angled accurate masterpiece And aftermost catechism afore QA why Kickstarter Well they charge funds and authoritative a documentary isnt bargain For some of the added carbon nerds heres area your money would go appear

1.       A abrupt overview of the history of development.

Adam Cornelius and I started exploring cryptocurrency in December 2013.  Adam and I congenital a mining rig with the absorbed to abundance Litecoin, but apparent this analytical bread alleged Dogecoin, so began mining that.  When Adam went to a bounded Bitcoin meetup in Portland, he happened to accommodated the guy who had coded Dogecoin, Billy Markus.  A few weeks after we started interviewing Billy, and the activity took off from there. Since January 2014, we’ve catholic to New York City, Alabama, and North Carolina to blur interviews, forth with a lot of shoots actuality in Portland, Oregon. For some added accomplishments on Adam, he’s the administrator of several affection documentaries (most conspicuously Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters).  I (Chris Higgins) am a writer.  I’ve contributed to This American Life, The Atlantic, mental_floss, and a agglomeration of others.  We’re both based in Portland. 2.       Current Status of Project? We’ve attempt a bit over 20 hours of footage at this point.  In documentary filmmaking, you about appetite an hour of footage to get one minute of awning time, so we’re already allotment of the way there on a feature-length documentary…but we charge almost addition hundred hours of footage to get a affection blur here.  In adjustment to get that footage, we charge to biking to area these belief are happening, and that is a big block of the account we’re allurement for via Kickstarter. And of course, the Kickstarter activity itself is area we appetite to absolute everyone’s attention: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chrishiggins/coined-the-story-of-cryptocurrency 3.       Why crypto? What fabricated you accomplish a cine apropos crypto?  We both specialize in documenting alcove hobbies, generally ones that are technical.  For example, Adam’s best contempo documentary, Ecstasy of Order: The Tetris Masters focused on the best Tetris players in the world.  That is a appealing abstruse amusement for addition to have, but it’s the affectionate of affair that fascinates us. We had been audition about cryptocurrency for years, but didn’t absolutely get into it until altcoins (specifically Litecoin) became assisting for the baby miner.  We ample it would be absorbing to try mining.  I anticipate a lot of bodies had that aforementioned reaction, “I’ll aloof put calm a miner and see what happens.”  But in our case, as we talked about authoritative a mining rig, it aloft a lot of alluring questions:  what does cryptocurrency beggarly for the approaching of money?  What is money, back you get bottomward to it? Ultimately, it seems that bill is a aggregate agreement; we accede that some badge has value, and aback it does.  Seeing new forms of money (cryptocurrencies) be invented and adopted about the apple in the amount of weeks or months is mind-blowing.  As filmmakers, we apperceive that this was a actual moment, so we angry on our cameras and started capturing it. 4.  Purpose of movie? Educational? Documentary? To be clear, we’re accoutrement cryptocurrency in general, with a focus on altcoins.  We acquire filmed the adventure of Dogecoin so far, mainly because that has been the better adventure in altcoins over the aftermost bristles months.  The final blur will analyze a broader set of cryptocurrencies, and we apprehend that the developments in the advancing months will be appealing exciting, if the accomplished few months are any indication! 5. Comments, annihilation you’d like to add, etc. We’re authoritative a documentary that will acquire two actual altered audiences:  people who already apperceive aggregate about cryptocurrency, and bodies who are cast new to this topic.  If you’ve anytime approved to explain cryptocurrency to someone, you apperceive how arduous it is.  Our blur will advice arch that gap — to alpha those conversations in a way that’s attainable and engaging. We charge cryptocurrency admirers to preorder the blur through Kickstarter in adjustment to accomplish it happen; if the Kickstarter activity doesn’t ability its allotment goal, the blur will not be made. Oh yeah, and we appropriately acquire both Dogecoin tips : DRA2eSatmLkHQZWDrayFmw1yVnrYdicCzz and Bitcoin tips: 1Q7MLYKhGUhBB2qj6zGTZcxc62inqkNQ1S For added Information: Visit the sites below. Coined website: http://coined.vhx.tv/?C=S;O=A Kickstarter Project: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chrishiggins/coined-the-story-of-cryptocurrency