Reddit Bitcoin Wizard Set To Get Own Wall Street Journal Ad

Reddit Bitcoin Wizard Set To Get Own Wall Street Journal Ad

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Bitcoin Wizard on the Wall Street Journal is a crowdsourced attack to abode a Bitcoin advert in the bi-weekly calling itself an ITO or Initial Troll Offering

The Bitcoin wizard, a awkward MSPaint advertisement acclimated to advance the Reddit subforum /r/Bitcoin is seeing a crowdsourced attack to abode it in the Wall Street Journal. The move is planned to be the aboriginal of abounding promotional attempts to broadcast aerial contour institutions.

The action presents its whitepaper on the website, area it is advertised beneath the advocacy of an ITO or Initial Troll Offering;

Jamie Dimon, arch of JPMorgan fabricated himself a target of the Bitcoin communities ire back he fabricated comments calling Bitcoin a “fraud” amid added aspersing animadversion aimed at Bitcoin users.

The name ITO additionally trolls the accepted Ethereum ICO craze. The Bitcoin astrologer himself is additionally a beneath than austere figure, actively dabbling fun at Bitcoin, the words “magic internet money” on the ad both biting and adulatory Bitcoin’s absurd bazaar cap (currently admired at over $100 billion), and the accepted acumen of Bitcoin’s complexity. The astrologer portrayed in the ad wields a Bitcoin agents and holds blaze in his duke allurement alone one affair – Join Us.

A full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal sells for about $350,000 and the whitepaper promises to acknowledgment donated Bitcoins if the ambition is not met. If the ambition is met about again donors will be adored by accepting the Bitcoin astrologer advert featured in the better broadcast bi-weekly in America. That’s approximately 2.277 million copies.

The ITO website has additionally reached out for suggestions for added crowdsourced Bitcoin broadcast activism.


Community activism and crowdsourcing has a history in the cryptocurrency space, decidedly in the Dogecoin association area the bread sparked the imaginations of a new bearing fatigued to Dogecoin’s beneath than austere attitude appear accounts and cryptocurrency. The Dogecoin association grew from a accepted acrid acrimony of the cryptocurrency market, with carbon Bitcoins actuality appear blubbery and fast. However, users had apparent the assets Bitcoin fabricated and capital some of that themselves.

Despite all odds, Dogecoin saw a huge billow in acceptance with it decidedly arresting a ambit with Reddit and 4chan users. The Dogecoin community’s achievements, arguably clashing the bread (753 Dogecoins to the dollar), cannot be discounted – they aloft abundant money to sponsor Nascar disciplinarian Josh Wise and additionally the Jamaican Bobsled team. The Dogecoin efforts approved what the internet is able of back accomplishing groundswell allowance to accompany cryptocurrency to a abundant beyond audience.

The Bitcoin astrologer also made account aftermost anniversary as the banderole for Reddit sub /r/Bitcoin, which afresh accomplished the 400,000 subscribers milestone.

Will you be altruistic to the WSJ fund? Do you accept any suggestions for added fundraising? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of /r/Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Flickr/Sarah Gilbert