The Rise of Computer Power Threatens Ethereum Miners

The Rise of Computer Power Threatens Ethereum Miners

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitmain the Chinese dent maker is accomplishment accouterments and chips that bear such assortment ability that those application them could end up authoritative the Ethereum transaction acceptance action obliterating baby miners As a aftereffect Ethereum developers are angrily alive on countermeasures such as Casper to badly change the mining process

Ethereum developers are alive abounding time on countermeasures adjoin the appearance of new and added able computer accouterments that Bitmain and others manufacturers are about to acquaint into the market.

Those operating the new Bitmain accessories will accept a asymmetric advantage and could end up assertive or centralizing the transaction acceptance action in the Ethereum network. According to Bloomberg:

Ethereum Regains Second Spot, Ripple Plunges

In effect, Ethereum developers are hasty to arrange solutions, such as Casper, sharding, and plasma. Specifically, Casper promises to abate the accident of absorption by radically alteration the mining process.

By implementing Casper, Ethereum will be able to about-face to a new accord protocol. With Casper, accord will be accomplished by application the proof-of-stake (PoS) agreement instead of the proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm.

This about-face of agreement would acquiesce Ethereum to actuate of all the miners. According to Bloomberg:

Most miners in the Ethereum arrangement use GPUs (graphics processing units). Ethereum advisedly implemented a proof-of-work algorithm that would anticipate ASIC (application-specific chip circuit) accessories from mining Ether. This algorithm is EtHash. Bitcoin, on the added hand, uses SHA-256.

Bitmain, based in Beijing, China, is a abreast endemic architect that specializes in high-end ASIC chips, has now appear the Antminer E3.

According to Bitmain, Antminer E3 is the best able and able EtHash ASIC miner.

Bitmain expects to alpha aircraft the aboriginal accumulation of Antminer E3 in mid-July. The retail amount is $800 USD. You can pay in cryptocurrency. However, for this batch, Bitmain accepts alone BCH (Bitcoin Cash) and US dollars.

New technologies and schemes are apprenticed to beck continuously into the cryptocurrency space. In this regard, Bloomberg quoted Dave Balter, a accomplice at Flipside Crypto, who said:

How do you anticipate the advance of computer assortment ability will appulse Ethereum’s mining process? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Shutterstock, Twitter/@bitmain, and Bitcoinist archives