Robinhood Aims for $35 Billion Market Valuation in Upcoming IPO

Robinhood Aims for $35 Billion Market Valuation in Upcoming IPO

THELOGICALINDIAN - An adapted announcement filed bygone by Robinhood indicates the aggregation is aiming to get a appraisal of up to 35 billion in its accessible IPO The feefree options cryptocurrency and banal trading account is assured to advertise up to 55 actor shares and accession added than 2 billion back the IPO launches abutting week

Robinhood Aims for $35 Billion Valuation

Robinhood, the fee-free, trade-it-all exchange, is aiming to accomplish a appraisal as aerial as $35 billion in its accessible IPO, according to an adapted announcement filed with the SEC on Monday. The exchange, which is reportedly activity accessible as anon as the abutting week, expects to advertise about 55 actor shares in its IPO to accession added than $2.3 billion in the process, with a allotment amount in the ambit of $38 to $42.

The exchange, whose self-imposed mission is to adjust admission to advance products, reached a appraisal of $11.7 billion aftermost September. At the time, Robinhood aloft $460 actor in an addendum of its Series G allotment round, with the accord of Andreessen Horowitz, Sequoia, DST Global, Ribbit Capital, 9Yards Capital, and D1 Capital Partners.

Robinhood had a actual able aboriginal quarter, fueled by an access in trading absorption due to Covid-19 and added factors. During that quarter, it produced $522 actor in revenue, additionally aided by cryptocurrency-related trades, with the acceleration of dogecoin actuality a cogent factor.

Crypto Business Booming

Robinhood was one of the companies that took advantage of the cryptocurrency trading carelessness beforehand this year. The aggregation revealed in its IPO filing that added than 9.5 actor barter acclimated its belvedere to barter $88 billion in cryptocurrency. The doge-mania that afflicted the bazaar additionally benefited Robinhood. In the aforementioned filing, the aggregation appear that added than a third of its Q1 crypto acquirement was attributable to dogecoin.

This bang in its cryptocurrency-based business has additionally aloft worries from regulators. Earlier this month, the SEC delayed Robinhood’s IPO due to apropos accompanying to the crypto area of Robinhood’s business model. While the specifics of this adjournment are unclear, it shows cryptocurrency is in the architect of regulators, conceivably alike added so with a aggregation like Robinhood activity public.

Robinhood has additionally faced criticism for its accomplishments amidst the GameStop banal aberration back it bound banal purchases for traders due to added volatility. At the time, Vlad Tenev, Robinhood’s CEO, stated the bearings was ‘unacceptable,’ and fatigued they were accomplishing aggregate in their ability for that bearings to not appear again.

What do you anticipate about Robinhood’s appraisal goal? Tell us in the comments area below.

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