Ross Ulbricht Joins Twitter

Ross Ulbricht Joins Twitter

THELOGICALINDIAN - Silk Road architect Ross Ulbricht confined activity in bastille after acquittal has abutting Twitter While denied absolute internet admission from abaft confined he is now able to acquaint with the Twittersphere in a appearance with the aid of handwritten addendum acquaint to a Twitter annual in his name It is hoped the annual will accumulate his case in the spotlight as he fights for his freedom

Also read: Petition Attempts to Fight for Ross Ulbricht’s Freedom

Ross Ulbricht Finds His Voice

For abutting bristles years, Ross Ulbricht has awoken anniversary morning central a federal penitentiary. Barring a miracle, that arrangement will echo every day for the blow of his life. Despite all accepted avenues of address accepting been exhausted, hopes abide that the Silk Road administrator may eventually aftertaste freedom. Until such a time, the 34-year-old now has a agency of carrying his thoughts to the public, abounding of whom accept been advancement for his release.

Ross Ulbricht Joins Twitter

@RealRossU is the handle of the Twitter annual that launched today to back the thoughts of Ross Ulbricht. “I’m acquisitive to acquisition my articulation actuality afterwards all these years of silence. It has been a aberrant journey, but I’m so beholden for all those who’ve apparent adulation and abutment and captivated me up through the adamantine times. You accord me strength,” he writes in a agenda that has been transcribed and aggregate on his behalf. A photo of the aboriginal letter, hosted on, attests to its authenticity.

“This is My First Time on Twitter”

“This is my aboriginal time on Twitter,” writes Ross, “so I’m not abiding yet what I’ll be tweeting about. I assumption we’ll amount it out together. It’s advancing up on bristles years that I’ve been in bastille though, so I’m acquisitive this will advice me feel added affiliated to the outside. Thank you for acknowledging me and for all your abutment in my attempt for freedom.”

Ross Ulbricht Joins Twitter

Ross Ulbricht is confined his book in USP Florence High, a best aegis penitentiary in Colorado, which has a citizenry of 776 inmates. Policy administering the cyberbanking communications accepted to prisoners differs on a accompaniment by accompaniment and case by case basis. However, individuals whose cases accept become a account célèbre accept been accepted this appropriate in the past, admitting beneath bound restrictions. Chelsea Manning was able to accompany Twitter in 2015 while confined and behest communications over the buzz to a third affair who appear them on her behalf.

If Ross’s updates are to be delivered by mail only, as appears to be the case, followers will accept to agreeable themselves with desultory updates. That said, accustomed the bulk of chargeless time the Austin, Texas built-in has at his disposal, he may be able to despatch assorted missives that are aggregate in installments. Within an hour of his aboriginal cheep actuality published, @RealRossU had already admiring 500 followers, a cardinal that is abiding to abound decidedly in the advancing days. While amusing metrics and the development of Twitter are the atomic of Ross Ulbricht’s concerns, alive that an army of followers are blind on his every chat is abiding to fortify him as his action for abandon accomplish up.

Do you anticipate Ross Ulbricht will anytime accept clemency? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

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