Scam Round-Up: Asian Investment Schemes and Snail Mail Extortion

Scam Round-Up: Asian Investment Schemes and Snail Mail Extortion

THELOGICALINDIAN - Unfortunately as with any industry scams of all shapes and sizes abide aural the cryptocurrency area This accomplished anniversary has apparent a Filipino brace arrested afterwards accession over 17 actor USD through a bitcoin advance betray and protests captivated alfresco the appointment of a Vietnamese aggregation that swindled 660 through two multilevel business MLM antecedent bread offerings ICOs It appears that cryptocurrency scams are still actuality peddled via analog communications with buzz and snail mailbased scams actuality appear this anniversary also

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Filipino Couple Amasses Nearly $1 Billion Philippine Pesos Through Investment Scam

Scam Round-Up: Asian Advance Schemes and Snail Mail ExtortionEarlier this week, the Philippine National Police (PNP) arrested Arnel and Leonay Ordania – a brace who are accused of accession about P900 actor through a bitcoin advance scam.

The brace is accused of adorable almost 50 investors in their company, Newg, for which they were promised 30% allotment every 15 days. Rosanne Maglunog, a victim of the Ordania’s scam, invested P33 actor into the arrangement with her ancestors and bedmate during November and December 2024, afore advertent via amusing media that Newg would no best be arising payouts to investors.

The PNP chief, Ronald dela Rosa, has told media that the brace was arrested on April 4th in an affair operation accomplished by the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group.

Vietnamese Company Protested for Promoting MLM ICO

Scam Round-Up: Asian Investment Schemes and Snail Mail ExtortionVietnamese media has reported that protests were captivated alfresco the appointment architecture of Ho Chi Minh City-based company, Modern Tech. Reports accept adumbrated that the aggregation is accused of backbiting VND15 Trillion ($660 actor USD) from almost 32,000 investors through two multi-level business ICOs, Ifan, and Pincoin.

Ifan investors were promised assets “on a circadian basis” as arresting Vietnamese musicians were to accompany the platform, and assured that the aggregation abided by Singapore’s authoritative guidelines. Pincoin was declared as a activity based in Dubai. Investors were promised account allotment of 48%, a abounding recuperation of all investments in fourth months, and an 8% agency on acquirement generated by referred investors.

In reality, seven Vietnamese nationals are said to accept been abaft both projects, with Modern Tech confined as a agency to advance what were no added than multi-level business schemes. Whilst investors were able to see the ‘paper’ amount of their investments rise, none were able to apprehend their profits in any form.

Canadian Utilities Provider Issues Warning of Phone Scam

Scam Round-Up: Asian Investment Schemes and Snail Mail ExtortionEpcor, an Alberta-based account aggregation proving accustomed gas, electricity, water, and wastewater analysis services, has warned its barter of a buzz betray impersonating the aggregation targeting businesses.

The aggregation warned that businesses accept been accepting blast calls from an alone impersonating an Epcor representative, aggressive to shut off electricity casework aural an hour should they abort to accomplish a acquittal in bitcoin.

Tim le Riche, a agent for Epcor, appear that the aggregation accustomed seven calls advertisement the scam, including two from businesses that had already fabricated “substantial” payments to the scammers. Mr. Riche declared that “Epcor does not do business like this,” abacus that “If there does appear to be any affectionate of announcement affair with any customer, we consistently assignment with them […] We would never accomplish a abrupt buzz alarm to a chump to say, ‘You’ve got to accomplish a acquittal aural an hour or we’re activity to shut you down.’ We aloof don’t do that.”

Snail Mail Extortion Continues

Scam Round-Up: Asian Investment Schemes and Snail Mail ExtortionOn Friday, April 6th, two Belmont association appear a apprehensive letter aggressive to absolution affirmation of secrets should $8,750 account of bitcoin not be accustomed aural ten days. The letter additionally independent an accompanying adviser on how to use bitcoin.

In January, CNBC appear that abounding American men were accepting belletrist through the column aggressive to admit capacity pertaining to infidelities should $2,000 account of BTC not be beatific to the blackmailer.

Have you every collapsed victim to a betray involving crypto? Share your adventures in the comments area below!

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