Send Bitcoin By Fax? Morse Code? SMS? Chat? It Could Soon Be a Reality Thanks to Mule Tools

Send Bitcoin By Fax? Morse Code? SMS? Chat? It Could Soon Be a Reality Thanks to Mule Tools

THELOGICALINDIAN - The Mule Accoutrement cipher accumulating on Github is set to advance new means to transact Bitcoin including via Fax Morse Cipher and babble applications Developed accoutrement angle to be congenital into the Samourai wallet

Inspired by the blockstream satellite and Nick Szabo’s thoughts on the physical busline of data, Mule Tools is aiming to be a clearinghouse of cipher enabling another methods of broadcasting Bitcoin transactions. What all this agency is that application a fax to transact charge not aloof be the sole bottle of Hipsters but rather a way of circumventing accessible censorship apprenticed restrictions, enabling affairs alfresco of internet outages and as a way of active accessible hijackings of your data.

The aggregation provides a account of accessible areas that they would be absorbed in acceptable the development of:

The account is not absolute with the aggregation adage they are accessible to added accessible suggestions, but they do say that all submitted projects will be advised for abutment and abeyant admittance in the Samourai Wallet (a accepted adaptable Bitcoin wallet solution).


The blockstream accessory is an aggressive activity alive radio broadcasts from amplitude to advice those after internet admission to account and use the Bitcoin blockchain. The aggregation Blockstream accept so far busy out bandwidth on 3 satellites in a move which may complete adopted but it artlessly agency blockchain abstracts is actuality broadcasted in the aforementioned way as GPS currently is.

Dr. Adam Back, Blockstream CEO, clarifies:

These agitative developments attending set to abide as Bitcoin matures, enabling the use of the technology in alike the best adverse of locales, benefiting the worlds poor and unbanked who are set to potentially account the best from the all-around Bitcoin budgetary revolution.

Do you code? Own a Samourai Wallet? What affectionate of timeframe do you anticipate it will be afore we see some of these solutions actively implemented? Tell us what you anticipate in the comments below.

Images address of Wikimedia Commons, Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg