Singapore Sees No Reason to Ban Cryptocurrency Trading

Singapore Sees No Reason to Ban Cryptocurrency Trading

THELOGICALINDIAN - Singapore doesnt appearance Bitcoin as a blackmail and claims there is no acumen to ban cryptocurrency trading aural the citystate

As China steps up its efforts to eradicate Bitcoin affairs and cryptocurrency trading from aural its borders, Singapore sees no reason to ban “experimental” cryptocurrency trading in the city-state.

Singapore temple

The account comes afterwards an all-encompassing analysis from Singapore’s axial bank, who has been administering studies on cryptocurrencies and their abeyant risks. Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam says:

Regardless of whether or not Bitcoin and added cryptocurrencies succeed, Shanmugaratnam does not see them as a blackmail to Singapore, writing:

With an ever-flowing flood of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) from boilerplate media outlets apropos Asian cryptocurrency trading, Singapore’s accessible attitude comes as acceptable news.

Singapore the Ideal Testing Ground

Singapore is absolutely assertive to account from China’s increased pressure on cryptocurrency trading. According to Cathay Capital’s Ace Yang:

Additionally, abounding Chinese cryptocurrency exchanges accept already arranged up and confused to Singapore, area they can currently accomplish in a city-state that is far added accessible to trading the arising agenda currencies.

Are you blessed to apprehend that Singapore sees no acumen to ban cryptocurrency trading? Do you anticipate this adventure will be accustomed as abundant media absorption as the FUD out of South Korea and China? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Pixabay and Bitcoinist archives.