Belgium Startup Launches Smart Chip Hardware Wallet for SLP-Based Tokens

Belgium Startup Launches Smart Chip Hardware Wallet for SLP-Based Tokens

THELOGICALINDIAN - On March 1 the Simple Ledger Protocol SLP developers Twitter annual appear a new accouterments wallet agenda for SLP tokens created by the Belgiumbased aggregation Satochip The anew advised artefact is the aboriginal SLP badge accouterments wallet on the bazaar and it works natively with the Electron Cash SLP wallet

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A Bitcoin Cash Hardware Wallet With a Secure Chip and Low Form Factor

The Bitcoin Cash (BCH) association was admiring to apprehend about a new Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) accouterments wallet bogus by The articles developed by Satochip are accouterments wallets that authority assorted cryptos like BTC, LTC, and BCH and they are shaped and sized like a acceptable acclaim card. Since launching, the aggregation has appear auditable and open antecedent code and the card’s app offers 2-factor authentication. In December 2019, a few BCH proponents wrote about the company’s Bitcoin Cash Accouterments Wallet on Twitter and Reddit forums. “Works calmly with Electron Cash,” Corentin Mercier tweeted two months ago.

The aboriginal copy Bitcoin Cash accouterments wallet advised by Satochip is a bound alternation copy which contains three altered designs. Moreover, the Satochip aggregation explained that the BCH accouterments wallet agenda is an “achievement of a year of adamantine work” for the developers. The startup’s name ‘Satochip’ stands for Secure Anonymous Trustless and Open Chip. And aloof like your acceptable coffer agenda or acclaim card, the Satoship BCH agenda uses a javacard applet. By leveraging a smart chip, the developers affirmation that it “encrypts advice to access abstracts aegis back authoritative affairs and autumn keys.” The cards are weather-resistant and accept a low anatomy agency which the Satochip developers call as:

Belgium Startup Satochip Launches Hardware Wallet for SLP-Based Tokens

Satochip Unveils the First SLP Token Hardware Wallet

After absolution the BCH-based card, on March 1, 2020, the Simple Ledger Protocol (SLP) development aggregation appear an SLP-based Satochip card. “Thanks to Satochip for creating the new accouterments wallet architecture for the SLP community,” the developers tweeted. “We can’t delay to accept our aboriginal order.” The company’s web boutique committed to the new SLP accouterments wallet explains that the wallet is the “very aboriginal Bitcoin Cash SLP badge accouterments wallet.”

This accurate adaptation works with the Electron Cash (EC) wallet as able-bodied but utilizes the SLP adaptation of EC. “The architecture was fabricated by the SLP community. You can now cautiously abundance your Spice, Honk, Sour and adopted SLP tokens in a safe place,” explains the Satoship website. Just like Satoship’s added agenda products, the SLP accouterments wallet agenda is €25 per unit. The SLP agenda additionally includes a defended dent acquaintance but users charge to access the dent card reader in adjustment to use the chip.

The BCH association on Twitter and Reddit discussed the new agenda and one user asked if the close could absolution a audience of the agenda in action. Satochip does accept a video on Youtube which has an explainer but the video is not absolutely a affirmation of the card. A cardinal of Bitcoin Cash-based SLP tokens accept aggregate real-world amount and a accouterments wallet for SLP tokens would apparently appear in accessible to a few SLP whales.

For instance, according to’s badge section, configured to appearance SLP tokens only, seven altered SLP tokens accept barter value. The Coinflex badge FLEX has a $27 actor bazaar appraisal and the bazaar cap for Gocrypto’s GOC badge is $10.6 actor today. The community-based SPICE has a $604,000 bazaar cap and abounding added SLP tokens like HONK, ACD, SAI, and USDH can be traded on a cardinal of exchanges. Satochip’s new SLP accouterments wallet aims to accumulate these tokens safe up until the moment addition wants to advertise their SLP backing on an exchange.

What do you anticipate about the SLP accouterments wallet created by the startup Satochip? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this artefact in the comments area below.

Disclaimer: This commodity is for advisory purposes only. does not accommodate investment, tax, legal, or accounting advice. Neither the aggregation nor the columnist is responsible, anon or indirectly, for any accident or accident acquired or declared to be acquired by or in affiliation with the use of or assurance on any content, appurtenances or casework mentioned in this article.

Images credits: Shutterstock, Satochip, Simple Ledger Protocol,, Fair Use, Wiki Commons, badge section, and Pixabay.

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