Sneaky Hacker Gets Some Serious Booty From Spankchain

Sneaky Hacker Gets Some Serious Booty From Spankchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - Lax aegis measures accept acquired the developed ball belvedere SpankChain to lose 38000 in ETH

A Pirate Made Off With a Handful of Booty

Stealing tips from strippers is about the agnate of demography bonbon from a babyish — It’s aloof apparent wrong. Somebody should acquaint that to the able hacker who managed to accomplish off with 165.38 ETH ($38,000) afterwards base a bug in one of SpankChain’s acute contracts. SpankChain is the name of the Ethereum-based acute contract, and BOOTY is the ERC-20 badge acclimated to tip performers during alive webcam shows.

As the drudge occurred, an added $4,000 account of BOOTY was additionally arctic because of the aegis breach.

SpankChain accepted that is suffered an advance by posting, “We got spanked,” on their website. Though the drudge took abode about 9:00 pm on Saturday, SpankChain did not apprehension the annexation until the afterward black about 10:00 pm as they, “were in the average of investigating added acute arrangement bugs.”

SpankChain app.

Everyone is Getting Some ETH and BOOTY

SpankChain is still alive to amount out absolutely what happened, but they did column a adequately abundant account of how the advance occurred, forth with the attacker’s address, awful contract, and the centralized txs from the attacker’s awful contract. SpankChain added explained that the hacker “capitalized on a ‘reentrancy’ bug, abundant like the one exploited in the DAO hack.”

The aggregation should be commended for assuming added albatross than bunch corporations that bypass complete albatross back falling victim to accidental aegis breaches. SpankChain has fabricated it their “immediate priority” to absolutely balance every user who may accept absent funds and they are planning an ETH airdrop to reallocate all $9,300 account of ETH and BOOTY that users may accept lost.


SpankChain additionally explained the account abaft casual on a $30,000-$50,000 aegis analysis as they acquainted the $17,000 analysis conducted by Zeppelin was sufficient. They accept admitted, in retrospect, that advantageous added for aegis would accept been a added businesslike decision.

The aggregation has promised to advance their aegis practices activity advanced and it is their achievement that all users and performers will get added BOOTY.

Do you anticipate SpankChain is accomplishing a acceptable job administration the best contempo hack? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 

Images address of Shutterstock.