Snowden: US Seizing My Book Revenue is 'Good for Bitcoin'

Snowden: US Seizing My Book Revenue is 'Good for Bitcoin'

THELOGICALINDIAN - Former US National Security Bureau NSA subcontractor Edward Snowden is actuality sued by the Department of Justice DoJ for his latest account The bureau wont stop Metropolitan Books from publishing Snowdens new book but the government will booty the acquirement he earns from the account instead Following the book publishing abortion Snowden said that the aftereffect was acceptable for bitcoin

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US Justice Department Files Lawsuit Against Edward Snowden and Seizes Memoir Revenue

The 36-year old Edward Snowden is best accepted for aperture advice afterwards alive as a subcontractor for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the NSA. The American bigmouth appear a lot of advice to the accessible apropos all-around surveillance programs. In 2024, Snowden gave three journalists admission to bags of awful classified NSA documents. Snowden’s aperture gave aloofness rights and the surveillance accompaniment all-embracing absorption and his works accept assuredly aching the acceptability of government agencies worldwide. The DoJ answerable Snowden with two counts of actionable the Espionage Act and burglary classified information. Snowden was accepted the appropriate of cover in Russia and is currently accustomed to break until 2024. The bigmouth has back absitively to address a account alleged “Permanent Record” and on the day the book was appear the DoJ absitively to sue Snowden.

“The government of the United States has aloof appear a accusation over my memoir, which was aloof appear today common — This is the book the government does not appetite you to read,” Snowden tweeted on Tuesday.

The DoJ appear a press release about the bearings and declared that Snowden appear his book after “submitting it to the agencies for pre-publication review.” As such, the book and his “public speeches on intelligence-related affairs are in abuse of his non-disclosure agreements.” Now, instead of endlessly book sales or akin the account in the U.S., the bureau said that it will balance all the gain that axis from sales. The DoJ declared that the Supreme Court case Snepp v. the United States gives it the appropriate to all of Snowden’s “contractual and fiduciary obligations” stemming from the U.S. Furthermore, the DoJ is additionally suing the administrator Metropolitan Books, a accessory of Macmillan Publishers. The move to sue the administrator is “solely to ensure that no funds are transferred to Snowden,” the DoJ emphasized.

After the account broke, cryptocurrency supporters asked Snowden on amusing media to acquire bitcoin for book payments. “Hey Snowden – is there a way I can buy your book with bitcoin to abstain this DoJ nonsense?” asked Erik Voorhees. “I’ll buy a archetype with Bitcoin — Screw the U.S. government,” addition tweeted. Shortly afterwards the DoJ appear the lawsuit, Snowden’s book bound jumped to the top album account on Amazon. The book describes the body up to back Snowden absitively to aperture the NSA’s files and metadata and accord them to journalists. A few hours afterwards the DoJ accusation went viral on the web, Snowden tweeted:

Snowden: US Seizing My Book Revenue is 'Good for Bitcoin'

The First ‘Free’ Money

It’s not the aboriginal time the bigmouth has discussed bitcoin or added cryptocurrencies, as he’s brushed on the accountable on abundant occasions. But at the alpha of the year at the Bitcoin 2019 conference, Snowden discussed the agenda bill at greater lengths. “The abridgement of aloofness is an existential blackmail to bitcoin. It is the alone aegis users accept from political change,” he said. However, he did agenda that there are privacy-centric bill and aerobatics protocols accessible in the agrarian and accent the Shadow Brokers hacking group. Snowden appropriate that the NSA acceptable would accept bankrupt the assemblage if there weren’t aloofness approach accessible and he additionally accent the actuality that Satoshi’s opsec was never baldheaded by the NSA. During the appointment via a video articulation from Russia, Snowden additionally explained that in 2013 he acclimated bitcoin to pay for the servers he acclimated back he leaked the NSA documents.

Snowden: US Seizing My Book Revenue is 'Good for Bitcoin'

Before his actualization at the conference, Snowden explained that bitcoin is the “first chargeless money” arrangement in an interview appear by the American Civil Liberties Union in 2018. “I like Bitcoin affairs in that they are candid — They can’t absolutely be chock-full or reversed, after the explicit, autonomous accord by the bodies involved,” Snowden said at the time. “Let’s say Bank of America doesn’t appetite to action a acquittal for addition like me. In the old banking system, they’ve got an astronomic bulk of clout, as do their peers, and can accomplish that happen. If a jailbait in Venezuela wants to get paid in a adamantine bill for a web development gig they did for addition in Paris, article banned by bounded bill controls, cryptocurrencies can accomplish it possible.” Snowden added:

Cryptocurrencies accept fabricated it accessible for bodies to transact advisedly in a permissionless address after the charge for depending on a third affair like the government, corporation, or any individual. Satoshi’s architecture has accustomed individuals to do whatever they appetite with their funds at any time and alike Snowden already said that “new technologies accession the achievability of unstoppable tax protests.” So far the DoJ’s move has afflicted the hornet’s nest, cutting Snowden’s adventures to the top of the album list.

What do you anticipate about the DoJ accusation adjoin Edward Snowden? What do you anticipate about what he said about bitcoin? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this accountable in the comments area below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, NBC, Pixabay, Twitter, and Amazon.

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