Survey: 89% of Visa, Mastercard, Unionpay Users Know Crypto - 53% Have Purchased

Survey: 89% of Visa, Mastercard, Unionpay Users Know Crypto - 53% Have Purchased

THELOGICALINDIAN - A all-around abstraction of cryptocurrency purchases fabricated by users of Visa Mastercard and Unionpay cards shows that 89 of respondents are abreast about crypto and 53 accept purchased some in the accomplished 12 months

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A Global Study

Survey: 89% of Visa, Mastercard, Unionpay Users Know Crypto - 53% Have PurchasedGlobal acquittal account provider Worldcore reportedly conducted a abstraction of its barter to acquisition out cryptocurrency acceptance amid Visa, Mastercard, and Unionpay users. The aggregation has about 300,000 barter in total.

“The purpose of the abstraction was to actuate the alertness of bodies to accord with agenda currencies with the advice of coffer cards,” Russian aperture described, abacus that the abstraction was conducted amid March and April. “The abstraction complex added than 10,000 bodies from 47 countries,” Finam reported. In addition, “data on the EU countries (28 countries) and CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States] countries (12 countries) were combined,” the account aperture noted, commendation the Worldcore abstraction results:

Survey: 89% of Visa, Mastercard, Unionpay Users Know Crypto - 53% Have PurchasedAccording to RBR’s Global Payment Cards Data and Forecasts to 2022 abstraction appear in July of aftermost year, “Unionpay has been the better arrangement globally for agenda numbers back 2010 and, by the end of 2016, there were added than six billion Unionpay branded cards in circulation.” Furthermore, “RBR begin that Unionpay, Visa and Mastercard collectively annual for 80% of cards worldwide,” the close wrote.

Worldcore is an EU-regulated acquittal academy headquartered in Prague, Czech Republic. It has partnered with Bitpay to action cryptocurrency solutions to its barter globally. In August of aftermost year, the aggregation appear an antecedent bread alms (ICO) as allotment of its amplification plans.

Survey Results

Survey: 89% of Visa, Mastercard, Unionpay Users Know Crypto - 53% Have PurchasedAmong respondents, 36% were Japanese, 25% were from the US, 18% were Korean, 8% were from the EU, 6% were Chinese, 3% were Latin American, 2% were Canadian, and 1% were from Russia and the CIS.

Those who bought any cryptocurrencies in the accomplished 12 months – 21% of them acclimated acclaim cards, 36% acclimated debit cards, and 43% acclimated added forms of payment.

Among respondents who did not acquirement any cryptocurrency in this time period, 60% cited risks as the capital reason. 35% of them appear accepting “insufficient funds” while 5% begin crypto affairs to be in abuse of the law.

The CEO of Worldcore, Alexey Nasonov, was quoted by Finam explaining:

While the analysis shows a aerial amount of acclaim agenda users abreast about crypto and accommodating to acquirement them, the world’s better banks accept mostly listened to regulators and banned the use of acclaim cards for crypto purchases.

Bank of America, Citigroup, Jpmorgan, Capital One, and Discover Card have all banned their audience from affairs cryptocurrencies application their acclaim cards. In the UK, Lloyds Banking Group fabricated a agnate announcement, banning barter of MBNA, Halifax, and Coffer of Scotland. Canadian coffer Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) accept additionally followed suit. Furthermore, Visa severed its accord with a cardinal of agenda providers of cryptocurrencies.

What do you anticipate of this survey? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Images address of Shutterstock and RBR.

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