Telegram Set to Go Ahead With ICO on This Crypto Exchange

Telegram Set to Go Ahead With ICO on This Crypto Exchange

THELOGICALINDIAN - Telegram has antipodal its beforehand accommodation to not backpack out a accessible auction of its built-in badge Gram by announcement a advertisement on the Liquid cryptocurrency exchange

U-Turn for Telegram?

In a press release issued on Tuesday (June 11, 2019), the messaging belvedere declared that it would be activity advanced with a accessible antecedent bread alms (ICO) for its Gram token. The clandestine appearance of the auction garnered cogent absorption aback in 2018, adopting $1.7 billion.

According to the statement, the aboriginal appearance of the ICO involves a bound advertisement for aboriginal bird investors on July 10. The capital badge auction accident takes abode in October 2024 but will not be accessible to investors in countries like the U.S., Canada, South Korea, and Japan to acknowledgment a few.

The move is somewhat of a abruptness accustomed Telegram’s position on a accessible ICO aback in 2018. As reported Bitcoinist at the time, the aggregation was alert of the increasing spotlight on ICOs by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. This is acceptable why the country is one of the geo-blocked nations in the badge sale.

Telegram Token Sale on Liquid

Is it Really a Telegram ICO?

While capacity abide cryptic at this point, it is important to acknowledgment that Telegram itself isn’t the declared “seller” of the cryptocurrency tokens. Instead, the advertisement says Liquid is advertisement tokens captivated by Gram Asia – the better Telegram badge holder.

There are additionally no capacity about the cardinal of tokens on auction and the starting amount for the ICO. The official account issued so far comes from Mike Kayamori, the CEO of Liquid, saying:

The alone added capacity accessible announce that the badge auction action will absorb know-your-customer (KYC) verification. Interested investors will accept to abide to a government and photo ID analysis exercise.

Gram tokens bought during the auction will additionally abide bound in Liquid wallets until the TON mainnet comes online. Furthermore, the tokens will not be tradable but that ability not stop some over-the-counter (OTC) barter demography place.

What do you anticipate about Telegram’s accommodation to assuredly go advanced with its accessible ICO? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

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