Tezos to Open $50 Million Venture Fund After Raising $232 Million

Tezos to Open $50 Million Venture Fund After Raising $232 Million

THELOGICALINDIAN - Tezos the startupwhose contempo ICO aloft 109 actor in beneath than 15 hours and a absolute 232 actor in aloof three canicule has appear its plan to accessible a 50 actor adventure fund

Tezos - The $232 Million ICO

With the contempo advertising surrounding ICOs, added and added startups are aggravating to accession money through badge sales. This July, the U.S.-based startup launched its antecedent bread alms and was able to accession $232 million, which at this time is the additional better bulk any ICO has raised, advancing in aloof abaft the Filecoin ICO, which managed to accession the almanac breaking $250 million.

The blockchain startup is alms what they call as a “self-amending cryptographic ledger”, a decentralized belvedere for smart-contract analysis and validation, which is primarily focused on banks, banking institutions, and corporations. Not agreeable to blow on their contempo laurels, Tezos accept been absorption on the development of their own VC fund, which they appear in their August update.

Tezos ICO

Usually, back start-ups accession huge amounts of funding, they primarily advance it in growth, analysis and development, or business initiatives. Tezos absitively to booty a hardly altered access for their allotment distribution. According to an commodity by Crowdfund Insider, Tezos’ new $50 actor VC armamentarium will mainly focus on advance in startups and companies that use the Tezos platform. The actual funds are actuality boring adapted and invested in added acceptable advance cartage like stocks, bonds, and adored metals.

The abstraction of the adventure basic armamentarium is to drive added third-party development for the Tezos blockchain, and appropriately advice abound the Tezos platform. The armamentarium will additionally advance in projects that they feel will advice advance accepted blockchain development. It is additionally account acquainted that due to the blockchain breach on August 1, in accession to the bitcoins that were aloft through the ICO, the startup has additionally accustomed the agnate bulk of BCH which they are planning to advance into assorted assets.

In their August update, the Tezos aggregation had the afterward to say about their new adventure basic fund:

Currently, the aggregation is actively coding on the long-awaited belvedere that will ability a new affectionate of acute contracts.

What are your thoughts on the new $50 actor adventure basic armamentarium from Tezos? Do you anticipate that it will advice advance their platform? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Pexels, TezosFoundation