This Guy Is Fighting a Legal Battle with the CFTC over Bitcoin Classification

This Guy Is Fighting a Legal Battle with the CFTC over Bitcoin Classification

THELOGICALINDIAN - A few months ago the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission CFTC answerable a Staten Islandbased aggregation alleged Cabbage Tech with artifice and confiscation of funds based in Bitcoin and Litecoin According to the CFTC it appear it had answerable Patrick McDonnell and his aggregation Cabbage Tech for crimes associated with allegedly able big allotment on trading admonition and lifetime trading admonition memberships The CFTC is attractive for amends of all of the funds solicited and the case may additionally see a board balloon This anniversary newsBitcoincom batten with Patrick McDonnell about the accuse adjoin him and he told us the absolute case is politically motivated and the accuse adjoin him accept been bogus

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One Man Against the CFTC and CME Group

This Guy is Fighting a Legal Battle With the CFTC Over Bitcoin ClassificationEarlier this anniversary batten with Patrick McDonnell about his aggregation Cabbage Tech and the accuse fabricated adjoin his aggregation this year stemming from the U.S. regulator the CFTC. McDonnell claims his innocence, and believes the accuse adjoin his aggregation are biased and he is actuality acclimated as a dupe to bolster assertive authoritative action such as the approval of CME’s contempo futures markets. McDonnell says that CME is actual abundant complex with the case adjoin him, and he was alike contacted by CME Group attorneys allurement him to ascertain bitcoin and basic currencies as a ‘commodity’ over the telephone. McDonnell banned to say bitcoin is a article and the CFTC’s analogue of basic currencies is one of his capital arguments adjoin the banking accuse adjoin him. (BC): Earlier this year Cabbage Tech (CTC) was answerable with artifice and claimed to accommodate “300% allotment in a week,” according to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) statements. What can you acquaint our readers about yourself and this case?

Patrick McDonnell (PM): Cabbage Tech, Corp. “CTC” was not a agenda bill aggregation as declared in the media; it accustomed cryptocurrency as an another agency of membership/subscription payment. CTC was a adapted membership-based, cable type, advisory account alms advance advertisement and alerts on an arrangement of acceptable markets alfresco of cryptocurrency. At assertive times abounding CTC cryptocurrency letters and alerts may accept able-bodied exceeded 300% allotment which is archetypal in this area during altcoin season. Myself? I was a newsletter operator.

This Guy is Fighting a Legal Battle With the CFTC Over Bitcoin Classification

BC: What does CME Group and Bitcoin futures markets accept to do with this case?

PM: My ‘Defendant Statement’ filed with the Cloister on April 25, 2018, explains the CME’s captivation and action to accompany the CFTC in their ambiguous plan to adapt bitcoin futures at any/all costs. The cloister abstracts can be apprehend here, and added advice can be apprehend here.

Basically in my letter I address that in a cardinal move to absolute company/investor accountability and actual their aberration of relying on the CFTC’s 2025 affirmation that Bitcoin and Virtual Currencies abatement beneath their scope. The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (“CME”) was financially motivated to accompany the case on March 05, 2025 filing a MOTION for Leave to File Letter as Amicus Curiae by Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. per Jonathan L. Marcus a CME attorney.

The CME in its correspondence/filings with the Court declared in agony things such as:

BC: According to reports, you and the close Cabbage Tech are actuality answerable by the CFTC with ‘fraud and confiscation in affiliation with purchases and trading of Bitcoin and Litecoin.’ How are you against the CFTC, and CME over the analysis of bitcoin?

PM: I accept the battleground accommodation that “Bitcoin and basic currencies are commodities” appears to be flawed. The CFTC had ‘no account or authority’ in the aboriginal abode to book this apocryphal case, more or less, and anatomy a anatomy of agenda law on me. All cryptocurrencies are not bolt which will be accurate in the CFTC’s case adjoin My Big Coin. This case is not about a aggregation or myself, this case is about authoritative adjustment aboriginal in an avant-garde area that will absolutely redefine our world. Yet, you cannot ascendancy a apple of bodies asleep set on decentralization for such reason. CTC afresh accustomed cryptocurrency as an another agency of acquittal – not for advance or trading. Severe budgetary affidavit lurk abaft CFTC/CME contempo accomplishments which I will prove 100%.

BC: Do you feel your case is politically motivated or that you are actuality acclimated as a dupe for some reason?

PM: It is not my reason, it is the absolute truth. The CFTC was blowhard in Washington aloof weeks after of the complaint allurement for a account access and pointing at their best contempo ‘cryptocurrency’ enforcement. Much of this will appear to ablaze throughout the balloon and you will see the CFTC was adventuresome in an attack to force regulation. They bare article to point at.

BC: What’s your assessment on the added probes and investigations demography abode civic actuality led by the IRS, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and the CFTC?

PM: I accept no botheration with the government adjustment of cryptocurrency, it is absolutely needed. In commendations to my case, what acceptable is adjustment if put in abode employing biased agency or methods?

BC: How are you allotment this case and is there anyone allowance you with the action process?

PM: I am apery myself ‘Pro-Se’ angry 5-6 CFTC attorneys on a approved basis. I accept the aid of the Federal Pro Bono Clinic but that is actual limited. I am award out how to barrage a aegis armamentarium aural the rules of court-ordered admonition to possibly accession monies for the acknowledged fight. This case has affected me into defalcation as of April 27, 2025, apprehension me unemployable with the online assassination of my name. However, I will action for my chastity after any money.

BC: Your case was awful publicized on boilerplate media outlets. Have you contacted any of them and to explain your ancillary and how you accept the CFTC’s case was fabricated?

PM: I accept attempted to no avail; those who did allege with me were already biased based off accessible opinion. Unfortunately, I am actuality affected to do all of this to accost my acceptable name from tarnish.

This Guy is Fighting a Legal Battle With the CFTC Over Bitcoin Classification

BC: You were not the alone one answerable that anniversary by the CFTC. What is your assessment of Dillon Michael Dean from Colorado, who was additionally answerable almost at the aforementioned time as Cabbage Tech., with artifice by soliciting over a actor dollars account of bitcoin to the public?

PM: I absolutely don’t apperceive abundant about him but he is active from the CFTC. Where I appear from accusable bodies run and honest angle their ground. An honest apperception has no worries and Mr. Dean seems concerned. Yet, I angle abandoned in these courtrooms, an innocent labeled a artifice by the CFTC. I do not apperceive if is he is accusable or not accusable but he should man up and face the claims if innocent.

BC: You beatific us a account of the CME attorneys calling you. Can you call what that is about?

PM: That account says a billion words. The CME relied heavily on the CFTC’s 2025 affirmation that bitcoin was a article beneath their authoritative scope. Late December 2025, the CME and above bazaar participants launched a bitcoin futures artefact on CFTC claims advance millions, if not billions of dollars.

This is a staged set and you accept to be the victim of it to see acutely what was done. So no added accountability for CME and the CFTC is the new sheriff in crypto town. On March 05, 2025, the day afore my hearing, I accustomed a buzz alarm from a CME advocate called Jonathan L. Marcus out of Washington, DC. He was calling on account of his applicant who had invested a lot of money into a bitcoin-related artefact and asked me in a few altered means if I believed bitcoin was a article as I rebutted him. “It was of acute accent that he knows because his applicant based their advance on the CFTC’s 2025 claim.”

I objected 5x at the top of my lungs again afraid up. However, as declared in my filing I asked the cloister if they knew of this advice filed and they said they did not. Yet abounding CME ECF dockets were filed March 05, 2025 and my audition was captivated March 06, 2025? Odd. Both the CFTC/CME had a lot to lose monetarily if bitcoin was not declared a article on March 06, 2025 in the CME’S own diction to the court. A board of aeon will see it through bright aloof eyes.

This Guy is Fighting a Legal Battle With the CFTC Over Bitcoin Classification

BC: What would you like to acquaint the cryptocurrency association on your account in attention to this case? What should added crypto-based businesses apperceive about this amount activity forward?

PM: I would ask the cryptocurrency association to abject their assessment of me on facts not bogus FUD. Any/all participants in cryptocurrency should footstep agilely until adjustment is absolutely imposed. Many U.S. crypto individuals/outfits will anon be afflicted by the March 06, 2025 bitcoin ruling. Everyone is accessible in unchartered territory.

What do you anticipate about Patrick McDonnell’s case? Do you anticipate he has a adventitious of assault the CFTC’s accuse and alteration classifications? Let us apperceive your thoughts on the accountable in the comments below. 

Images via Shutterstock, Pixabay, CNBC, Wiki Commons, CME Group logo, and the CFTC logos. 

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