Trump Trade War Tariffs Compound Bitmain IPO Woes

Trump Trade War Tariffs Compound Bitmain IPO Woes

THELOGICALINDIAN - Bitmainsbeleaguered IPO faces added challenges as the latest Trump tariffs hit mining accouterments The bearings is additionally acceptable to affect planned IPOs by Canaan and Ebang according to theSouth China Morning Post

Financial Controversy

Bitmain charge accept hoped that the altercation apropos its oft-touted IPO was abaft the company. At the end of September, Bitmain publicly appear its banking standings for the aboriginal time. Following this announcement, the aggregation assuredly filed for the Hong Kong-based IPO — although it didn’t absolution any added abstracts apropos valuations or allotment price.

Bitmain Woes

Despite acknowledging broadly accepted Q2 2018 losses, as able-bodied as ashen assembly costs totaling abutting to $1 billion, the account wasn’t all bad. It even sparked a acting assemblage on bitcoin cash. Bitmain is heavily invested in bitcoin cash, reportedly accident amid $300-500 actor dollars on the currency.

With BCH prices aback to pre-IPO-filing levels, US barter tariffs are the aftermost affair the aggregation wants.


The aboriginal hints of agitation advanced accustomed in June back the appointment of the US Trade Representative reclassified mining rigs. Hardware like Bitmain’s Antminer S9 became classified as “electrical accouterment apparatus,” and were after subjected to a 2.6 percent tariff.

This additionally meant that the mining rigs fell beneath the account of appurtenances accountable to 25 percent tariffs in President Trump’s advancing barter war with China. These added tariffs came into force in August, so mining accouterments alien to the US now faces a 27.6 percent tariff.

The antecedent allocation of mining rigs as ‘data processing machines’ meant they were not accountable to tariffs at all.

Trump bitcoin

Biggest Exposure

Overseas sales accept accounted for over fifty percent of Bitmain’s acquirement in 2024 and 2024. Specific geographic abstracts are bare but, as the better ASIC manufacturer, tariffs will assuredly affect an (un)healthy admeasurement of this figure.

By contrast, Canaan and Ebang appear across sales of 8.5 and 3.8 percent respectively, abrogation them far beneath exposed.

The tariffs are acceptable to accomplish Chinese mining accouterments beneath aggressive in the US compared to all-embracing rivals. How adamantine this impacts the companies who aftermath it charcoal to be seen.

Bitmain accompaniment in their IPO announcement that banking abstracts could be adapted through cogent tax changes “due to bread-and-butter and political conditions.”

What do you anticipate about the furnishings of Trump’s tariff? Don’t alternate to let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of Bitcoinist archives, Shutterstock.