Turkish bitcoin exchange BTCTurk adds stop orders to trading platform

Turkish bitcoin exchange BTCTurk adds stop orders to trading platform

THELOGICALINDIAN - BTCTurk is a bitcoin barter based in Turkey that allows users to buy and advertise bitcoins application their online trading belvedere Users can armamentarium their accounts with a coffer alteration or wire alteration in Turkish Lira TRY

The barter offers basal trading appearance such as bazaar and absolute orders, and has an accessible adjustment book. And today, the exchange announced that it additionally added stop orders to it’s functionality.

A stop adjustment is acclimated by traders in an attack to absolute losses. A stop adjustment is an apprenticeship to the barter to barter if the amount gets worse than a specific price, accepted as the stop price. For example, a stop adjustment placed at $550 by the trader when the bazaar is currently trading at $553 agency sell this bitcoin at the bazaar amount if the bitcoin price hits $550.

Stop orders in accession to bazaar and absolute orders will advice annular out the barter for bitcoin buyers and sellers. BTCTurk additionally uses the maker-taker model.

This change comes at an absorbing time in Turkey. Just today it was apparent that PayPal is activity to arrest all operations in Turkey afterwards accident their license, impacting potentially ‘hundreds of thousands’ of users.

This may be a attenuate befalling for Turkish citizens who are now unable to use PayPal, to apprentice about bitcoin and use it as addition way to accelerate money in-and-out of the country.

Besides BTCTurk, addition bitcoin barter that focuses on the Turkish bazaar is Koinim, which is based in Instanbul.