US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright's Bitcoin Registrations

US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright's Bitcoin Registrations

THELOGICALINDIAN - On May 21 2025 a columnist absolution was beatific to a array of publications that said Craig Wright was accepted two US copyrights for the aboriginal Bitcoin white cardboard and adaptation 01 of the cryptocurrencys cipher Meanwhile the US Copyright Office accurately addressed the amount in a columnist absolution which emphasized the bureau does not investigate the accuracy of any account made

Also Read: “I Am the Real Satoshi” Claims Hawaiian Man After Filing Bitcoin Cash Trademark

Craig Wright’s Copyright Proof Attempt Fails to Sway the Greater Crypto Community

Yesterday the crypto association was up in accoutrements afterwards Craig Wright abundant that he was accepted two U.S. copyrights for the Bitcoin white cardboard and code. The two copyrights can be apparent about with allotment no. TXu 2-136-996 and additionally no. TX-8-708-058. Of course, best agenda asset enthusiasts anticipation the accomplishment was yet addition blah attack from Wright to try and prove he’s Satoshi. Many individuals on amusing media artlessly laughed at the absorb announcement. Alongside this, a few added crypto association associates abundant that the copyrights were meaningless. Coin Center architect Jerry Brito explained that the U.S. Absorb Office does not investigate the authority of claims like these and they artlessly aloof annals it. “Unfortunately there is no official way to claiming a allotment — If there are aggressive claims, the Office will aloof annals all of them,” Brito added.

US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright's Bitcoin Registrations

Moreover, aback back Satoshi appear the protocol, the cipher was appear beneath the open antecedent MIT license. This agency that Bitcoin is chargeless to administer the software to any alone or alignment and anybody has no limitations to what they can do with the software. Essentially anyone can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and angle the Bitcoin software.

US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright's Bitcoin Registrations

Furthermore, there is a absorb apprehension from Satoshi accustomed beneath the MIT licensing aback in 2009, which gives developers the abandon to use the cipher in any manner. Then over the aftermost few years, there’s been a bulk of added individuals who accept registered and accept been accepted copyrights to the Bitcoin software and it’s associated paper.

The Hawaiian Who Registered the White Paper Before Wright

There’s Ronald Keala Kua Maria, a citizen from Hawaii who copyrighted the Bitcoin white paper, aback in August 2016 with allotment no. TXu 002037698. reported on Kua Maria claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto aback in June 2018. Not alone did Kua Maria absorb the white paper, but he additionally copyrighted a appropriate cardinal of added trademarks and words like “Bitcoin Cash.” Additionally, Kua Maria endemic a agglomeration of Bitcoin-related domains such as,,,, and others. When we aboriginal wrote about Kua Maria, best of his domains redirected to his home folio One absorbing affair to agenda about one of Kua Maria’s domains ( is that it now redirects to a BSV website.

U.S. Copyright Office Responds to ‘Certain Bitcoin Registrations’

After all the annotation and jokes on amusing media channels, the U.S. Absorb Office issued a statement apropos the matter. In the columnist absolution alleged “Questions about Certain Bitcoin Registrations,” the bureau abundant that it “does not investigate the accuracy of any account made.” The Absorb Office connected by adding:

Essentially afterwards acclamation that assorted registrants accept copyrighted assertive technologies, the bureau said that it’s absolutely up to the “federal courts, including disputes over antecedent of a work.” Moreover, back it comes to works created by a pseudonym with a moniker like Satoshi Nakamoto, the Copyright Office “does not investigate whether there is a absolute affiliation amid the appellant and the bearding author.” The U.S. Copyright Office additionally capacity that accord amid Wright and the bureau is allotment of the accessible allotment record.

US Copyright Office Responds to Craig Wright's Bitcoin Registration

Furthermore, the able-bodied accepted autonomous biographer and apparent attorney, Stephan Kinsella, told his amusing media followers that the absorb proves nothing. “As I’ve acicular out for canicule now on Twitter threads, such assertions are antic and adulterate the way absorb works — Because best bodies don’t accept how absorb works, back they apprehend that the Absorb Office “registers” or “approves the registration” of a works this somehow agency the government has issued a absorb to the appellant and absolute their antecedent etc,” Kinsella opined. The apparent advocate and bookish acreage able added detailed:

The crypto association was already afresh not alone disheartened by Wright’s attack to absorb accessible antecedent software, but best accept additionally been agape by the amazing hoops he’s gone through to prove he is Satoshi. From the BBC interviews to the cover of GQ, Wright has gone to abundant lengths to prove he is the artist of Bitcoin. The action could be abundant easier for him or for anyone to prove the actuality of Satoshi by simply signing a message angry to the alpha block or affective some coins. Every distinct attack Wright has fabricated to prove he is Satoshi so far has been refuted and mocked by the greater crypto community. The absorb adventure that costs $55 per allotment for the white cardboard and some of the accessible antecedent cipher is no different.

What do you anticipate about Wright’s latest absorb affidavit attempt? Let us apperceive what you anticipate about this adventure in the comments area below.

Image credits: Shutterstock, Twitter, Github,, and the U.S. Copyright Office online database.

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