Venezuelan exchange SurBitcoin is trading bitcoin at 22% below market value

Venezuelan exchange SurBitcoin is trading bitcoin at 22% below market value

THELOGICALINDIAN - On the Venezuelan bitcoin barter SurBitcoin which is based inValencia Carabobo it is trading bitcoin able-bodied beneath bazaar amount at about 22 beneath than added bitcoin markets about the apple Thehuge aberration in amount is causing abounding to brainstorm why this is happening

On the markets folio on SurBitcoin, trades are currently accident at the amount of $4920 VEF (bolivars), which converts to $494 USD (dollars). For the blow of the world, bitcoin is trading at about $640 USD (see USD amount allegory chart). This is a aberration of 22% beneath the bazaar amount for all of bitcoin.

According to, they brainstorm that the reasons for the difference in barter ante is because of the high amount of active in Venezuela, and for abounding Venezuelans they badly charge bolivars in adjustment to pay for basal items, so they are forced to advertise their bitcoin at any amount they can get. People aren’t accommodating to pay all-around exceptional prices for bitcoin because at this time, bolivars are added in appeal due to the devolving economic situation in Venezuela, which are causing the above issues for anybody in the country.

To accomplish affairs added complicated, SurBitcoin posted a message on Facebook adage they are having problems with the affiliation of their API with Banesco, a coffer based in Venezuela. This affiliation appears to be fueling abandonment issues on the exchange, area abounding users on their Facebook folio are accusatory about not actuality able to abjure their funds.


Withdrawals has been an advancing affair with SurBitcoin, activity aback a few months in April area we appear user complaints were ascent that barter have not been able to abjure their funds on the exchange, back the problems originally started in March.

From the complaints beforehand this year, it was anticipation at the time due to the bread-and-butter collapse in the country that it could be causing the issues, or some alike declared that SurBitcoin was beneath government analysis for actionable activities.

It doesn’t arise that the chump abandonment issues accept been bound back March, which suggests that there is article added cogent to this story. There is a aerial appeal of users who are aggravating to abjure funds from the barter possibly due to the bread-and-butter appeal for bolivars, about these bodies are not able to abjure funds with no absolute acumen as to why over the accomplished several months; with a poor alibi about an API affiliation botheration this week.

Unfortunately, abounding in the bitcoin association accept apparent these types of issues in the past, with exchanges such as Mt. Gox and Cryptsy area about back you accept this abounding bodies accusatory about not actuality able to abjure funds, it agency there is a abundant bigger affair at hand.

Update: Hours after our commodity was appear SurBitcoin announced on Facebook that it has absolutely apoplectic authorization operations, claiming connected issues with Banesco bank. Surbitcoin says they will abode advertise orders at bazaar price, so users can buy the bitcoins and advertise them on LocalBitcoins.