Walmart Awarded Patent for Blockchain Based Energy Management

Walmart Awarded Patent for Blockchain Based Energy Management

THELOGICALINDIAN - A contempo certificate appear by the US Apparent and Trademark Office USPTO reveals Walmart has filed a apparent for managing appeal on an electrical filigree application cryptocurrency and blockchain technology

The patent was filed on December 13, 2017, and appear by the USPTO on June 14, 2018. It shows Walmart has approved to assure its bookish acreage for “Managing appeal on an electrical filigree application a about broadcast affairs ledger.”

The appliance is for a adjustment and arrangement which allocates an bulk of cryptocurrency to acquirement activity from a accumulation and goes on to admeasure an bulk of cryptocurrency to anniversary activity burning device, all recorded by a about broadcast transaction ledger, or blockchain.  Additional units of activity can be requested by the arrangement which verifies activity burning and that units of cryptocurrency are accessible to accomplish the purchase.

Devices Consume More Energy Than Needed

As accomplishments to the patent, Walmart explains:

Thus, Walmart says, is the charge for a arrangement to administer an electrical filigree “by acclimation a appeal on the electrical grid.”

The apparent is afar into three parts, the aboriginal accoutrement a metering accessory which allocates activity and a admeasurement of the cryptocurrency account is allocated to anniversary “consumption device.” The additional aspect takes the abstraction aback to the activity provider which is “configured to bear a bound bulk of activity to a distinct network.” The third aspect covers a computer arrangement which would apparatus the adjustment and system.

Though abounding patents are filed, the technology independent aural them doesn’t consistently become a reality. It can be assumed, however, that Walmart could be alive on the arrangement to advance a artefact or basement area barter can acquirement activity via cryptocurrency. Using blockchain technology and SMART devices, barter and activity providers could use the arrangement to added finer adviser and admeasure activity use. Such a arrangement could, in theory, abate a consumer’s electricity bill and anticipate activity waste.

Do you anticipate that the abstraction categorical in Walmart’s apparent appliance is viable? Would it abate ashen activity and its associated costs decidedly abundant to accreditation the amount of architecture such an infrastructure? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Images address of Walmart Brasil, AdobeStock