Remember LimeWire? It’s Making A Comeback As NFT Marketplace For Noobs

Remember LimeWire? It’s Making A Comeback As NFT Marketplace For Noobs

THELOGICALINDIAN - Popular filesharing account LimeWire will acknowledgment in the anatomy of a nonfungible badge NFT exchange According to a new website the belvedere attempts to accompany agenda collectibles to everybody with its own built-in badge LMWR acknowledging its operations

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In the aboriginal 2024s and beyond the abutting decade, LimeWire was one of the best acclimated peer-to-peer file-sharing platforms. It accustomed users to download music, videos, books, and added media for free. It was accurate by protocols BitTorrent and Gnutella.

Hit by several lawsuits for absorb infringement, LimeWire was affected to arrest its operations aback in 2024 and now makes a acutely analytic jump into the crypto space.

Per their new website, the Core Team abaft the belvedere was accustomed in Q3, 2024, and preceded the alliance of above partnerships aural the space. LimeWire conducted a badge alms to “strategic” collaborators and it’s affective appear a clandestine auction of their badge via invite-only.

In May and until the end of 2022, the belvedere will clearly barrage its NFT exchange and its built-in badge into the accessible market. LMWR has a absolute accumulation of 1 billion tokens and could acquaintance some acceptance based on its accepted cast if it has managed to break apparent afterwards over a decade.

Per the project’s official website:

The Core Team is composed of brothers Paul Zehetmayr and Julian Zehetmayr, as appear by TheNextWeb (TNW). The duo has been creating “multiple products” for years and was able to access the LimeWire name aftermost year. TNW added:

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How You Can Be A Part Of The New LimeWire

LimeWire will absolution agreeable in the anatomy of NFTs which will be accepted as “artifacts”. The belvedere is yet to advertise the blockchain that will host their agenda assets but has enabled a cat-and-mouse account for agreeable creators accommodating to accompany their ranks.

In adjustment to be allotment of the list, a user needs to accommodate an email. Participants will be acceptable for acceptable one of 10,000 NFTs back the belvedere goes accessible and will accept advice on the accessible badge auction for LMWR.

In an account with CNBC, the brothers Julian and Paul Zehetmayr talked about the homesickness associated with LimeWire, and the abeyant for NFTs to conductor a activation of its casework powered by the blockchain:

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At the time of writing, Ethereum (ETH) trades at $2,737 with a 5.9% accumulation in the aftermost 24-hours.