NFTs In A Nutshell: A Weekly Review

NFTs In A Nutshell: A Weekly Review

THELOGICALINDIAN - DraftKings bedeviled the acceptable account in NFTs this anniversary with their newest action Why stop there Polygon is acceleration bottomward on NFT gaming OpenSea is account over 1B and a accomplished lot added Lets dive in to this weeks nonfungible badge news

This Week’s Non-Fungible Token News

Earlier this year, NFL quarterback Tom Brady started NFT exchange, aimed at sports and ball IP NFTs. This anniversary angry the punch up for Autograph as the close has partnered with DraftKings, who announced the “DraftKings Marketplace”. The Exchange will be an NFT hub for buying, selling, and trading NFTs in affiliation with Autograph. The aboriginal absolution is set to bead in the months to come.

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Next week, Los Angeles will acquisition itself host to the first-ever alive ball NFT event, “Non-Fungible Jokin’.” The accident aggregation seeks to acquisition a new way to atone alive performers, decidedly in comedy, in a way that is balance and effective. The NFTs will barrage as allotment of a broader affiliation with exchange Jambb and the Moonbeam Network.

In aftermost week’s Nutshell, we affected on Polygon’s absorption in furthering NFT, and now news this week is bolstering that; Polygon is ambience up a $100M NFT gaming fund, aperture a new analysis ‘Polygon Studios’, and will attending to agglutinate “web 2.0 amateur with the web 3.0 technology”. Polygon’s COO declared NFTs this anniversary as “bigger than Hollywood.”

Speaking of Polygon, OpenSea has shared that they now abutment the Polygon Blockchain and additionally aloft a ample $100M in Series B allotment this anniversary from arch adventure basic close Andreessen Horowitz. The accord landed OpenSea’s appraisal at almost $1.5B.

Another week, another account advertisement abutting the ranks of NFT exploration. Alibaba-owned South China Morning Post will become Asia’s aboriginal account alignment to do so, abutting the all-around ranks of TIME, CNN, and as of aftermost week’s Nutshell, Rolling Stone. The South China Morning Post is ablution “ARTIFACT”, a new connected archetypal for recording accounts of history on the blockchain. Not your accustomed non-fungible badge move!

Sotheby’s is auctioning off a attenuate Muhammad Ali art allotment as an NFT this week, depicting the 1971 “Fight Of The Century”,  a allegorical altercation amid Ali and boxer Joe Frazier. The allotment was a above allotment of Ali’s claimed portfolio and the NFT will accommodate 15 abnormal of army audio, emblematic the 15 circuit of the fight.

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