'The' Blockchain Vs. 'A' Blockchain: Setting the Record Straight

'The' Blockchain Vs. 'A' Blockchain: Setting the Record Straight

THELOGICALINDIAN - Incumbent businesses focuson blockchains because they see an befalling tousurp Bitcoin after actuality disrupted Meanwhile Bitcoin remainsyears advanced as the best defended and abiding blockchain of them all

Also read: ‘Monetary Xenophobia’: Norway’s Biggest Bank Pulls Bitcoin Account

Blockchain is Just One Component

blockchain keychainsNearly everyone, from big banks to civic governments, has experimented with blockchains in the accomplished year or so. Microsoft, BoA, JP Morgan Chase and added bequest giants accept all accustomed blockchain tech as the abutting best thing. We’ve heard how it can do everything but save altruism from a Trump admiral — or maybe it could?

In any case, the blockchain is aloof one cog authoritative Bitcoin tick. It is a decentralized transaction balance aggregate by a all-around network. These computers verify affairs and accede on the network’s accepted state.

“Yes, [Bitcoin] is a blockchain, but it is a actual appropriate blockchain,” Andreas Antonopoulos explained in one of his talks.

Bitcoin’s Eight-Year Head Start Matters

Proof-of-work (PoW) requires the miner of anniversary block prove a cogent bulk accretion power was invested to actualize it. This ensures that bad actors, who ability wish to adapt earlier transactions, would accept to work harder than honest aeon who just add new blocks to the blockchain.

Any another blockchain may use the aforementioned mechanism, of course. But the Bitcoin blockchain is “very special” because it enjoys the largest network aftereffect and first-mover advantage.

It has an eight-year arch start, while bequest incumbents are aloof starting to deathwatch up. In this time, the Bitcoin blockchain went global, accepting users, miners, apps, and infrastructure. This has made it the best accepted and defended blockchain in actuality today.

Moreover, it is an able band-aid to the Byzantine general’s problem. It rewards accurate aeon while removing the allurement for capricious peers, by design. This flips the calligraphy on today’s banking system, area regulators bent trusted banks acting dishonestly but handed out only slaps on the wrist.

Bitcoin: The Most Secure Blockchain

In the cryptocurrency world, immutability is synonymous with security. A blockchain is afraid if its accomplished blocks can be modified, finer abstraction funds out of users’ control.

“Immutability is not a appropriate of blockchains. Immutability is an antiquity of a proof-of-work accord system,” Antonopoulos notes. “The blockchain—the accessible blockchain—has immutability because alike if you ascendancy 100% of the mining power, you cannot charm an another adaptation of history by afterlight the blockchain after presenting accurate affidavit of assignment that needs to be computed.”

So how will clandestine chains be secured? Many proposals exist, admitting these accept yet to prove they can match Bitcoin’s PoW in the absolute world. Meanwhile, Australia’s Stock Exchange (ASX) is already raising concerns its blockchain belvedere would accomplish ASX “fair game” to “every hacker in the world.”


At the aforementioned time, the Bitcoin arrangement charcoal as chargeless from attacks as it has back day one. It has never been compromised or ‘hacked’, admitting several exchanges accepting their funds drained due to anemic security.

So what will it booty to successfully attack Bitcoin itself? “Unfathomable”  computing ability that doesn’t alike currently exist, according to Antonopoulos, who explains:

“Even if you controlled all the hashing in the apple it is absurd to charm the affidavit of assignment on the Bitcoin blockchain alike two canicule in the past,” he adds. “The bulk of ciphering is unfathomable.”

A Blockchain vs. The (Bitcoin) Blockchain

blockchain adventure basic alcove all time highBanks currently feel aflame about blockchain technology, and appropriately so. However, Bitcoin is a confusing force because it wrests the ability of money conception from banks. Bitcoin has already accurate this new “funny money” not alone works, but is, in fact, above to the bequest acquittal system, decidedly on the internet.

But banking institutions charge downplay this abeyant blackmail on one hand, while actualization avant-garde and forward-thinking on the other. Hence, they focus on blockchains because they see them as a way to absorb some of Bitcoin’s absolute elements after disruption.

However, back it’s still too aboriginal to acquaint if banks will accomplish in abolition themselves from the central out, we should booty their ambitions with a atom of salt. This is why we should accredit to the Bitcoin blockchain the blockchain, in adverse to one developed by a coffer (bankchain?) or any added institution.

We do accept the internet, for example. It is global, accessible and allows anyone to body applications on top after permission (like Bitcoin). However, the intranet does not exist. Instead, most intranets are not global, and abide bankrupt and cloistral from outsiders (like Utility Settlement Coin).

“The best affair you can do with an intranet is to affix it to added intranets and for that you charge the internet,” Antonopoulos adds. “Bitcoin is the internet of money. Bitcoin is the de facto money of the internet.”

Of course, Bitcoin may not consistently be the internet’s de facto money in the future. But until then, The Blockchain remains the Bitcoin blockchain only. 

For added about immutability and proof-of-work, you can analysis out Andreas Antonopoulos’ latest allocution below:

Will added blockchains eventually bolt up to Bitcoin in agreement of aegis and immutability? Let us apperceive in the comments below!

Images address of shutterstock.

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