New Trading Tip Column `The Writing On The Wall´ says “Sell Bitcoin Gold”

New Trading Tip Column `The Writing On The Wall´ says “Sell Bitcoin Gold”

THELOGICALINDIAN - This column is the aboriginal in a account trading tips alternation alleged Writing On The Wall in which our bold approach adviser Eric Wall tries to analyze those writings

The retail bazaar armament in cryptocurrencies are absolute by a hodgepodge of assorted account and concepts. The best trends in which these are accustomed are sometimes referred to as fundamentals, which for bitcoin are things such as banking sovereignty, aggrandizement immunity, and un-correlatability. The beneath trends are absolute by what can be anticipation of as a aggregation of competing memes, area the best prevailing meme for a accustomed anniversary will be the assertive agency in dictating that week’s amount movements.

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Understanding Market Dynamics

For the intra-week bitcoin trader, accurately anecdotic the accepted mural of these memes is crucial. Whether the banker agrees with the acumen abaft a assertive meme is of no importance; the banker needs alone to admeasurement its authority through the eyes of the market. Here’s a account of what I accede to accept been the best prevailing memes during this accomplished month:

New Trading Tip Column – ’Writing On The Wall’ says ”Sell Bitcoin Gold”I argue that there generally are clues by which the adeptness banker can appraisal or adumbrate these memes. For instance, the authority of the “Get in afore the breach to get chargeless shitcoins!”-meme could accept been predicted by giving reconsideration to bazaar participants aperitive tooth from the accumulated amount access of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash afterward the Aug 1st hardfork.

Even if a banker fails to analyze a meme above-mentioned to the event, they can still accumulation during the accident if they can accurately appraisal whether a assertive bazaar acknowledgment is apocalyptic of an overreaction — which is usually the barometer — whether it’s China banning bitcoin, Jamie Dimon accepting agitated on television or Tether accepting afraid (or as Kraken would put it, “non-redeemable tokens about actuality not redeemed”). Typically, by applying a simple BTFD scheme to such events, I argue that traders accept been able to beat around any TA-based strategy, behindhand of whether the indicators are of the Tone Vaysian or Sachsian flavour.

But conceivably all that is advancing to an end now.

The Last Meme

Of the items on the list, the aftermost account is appropriate for several reasons. Not alone is it appropriate because it is still transpiring in the market. It is additionally appropriate because back it matures, it may fundamentally change the bazaar dynamics of bitcoin for good.

The acumen of bitcoin as an uncorrelated asset may be the best important disciplinarian in why Wall Street wants to get in to bitcoin, but ironically, the actual actuality that Wall Street hasn’t gotten in yet may accompanying be a key agency in why bitcoin still is an uncorrelated asset in the aboriginal place. Indeed, as institutional basic flows into bitcoin, the accepted meme-driven intra-week bazaar dynamics bedeviled by retail investors may instead alteration into actuality added deeply accompanying with the absolute economy.

It Came From the East

As Chris Burniske has been accepted to say, if bitcoin is captivated by institutional investors as a allotment of beyond portfolios, portfolio managers may charge to offload bitcoin to the bazaar as a agency of rebalancing in the accident of a banal bazaar downturn, which would access the alternation amid bitcoin and the banal market. As such, Wall Street may abort the actual acreage they achievement to abstract from bitcoin by adopting it.

Traders will charge to ahead the about-face of the tides afore it happens and adapt their strategies accordingly. However, meme-driven analysts may acquisition some acquittal acknowledgment to the recent South Korean infusion. As continued as Bithumb with its ~$2.5bn circadian trading aggregate charcoal the cryptocurrency assertive worldwide, Twitter and Reddit are the Bloomberg Terminals of Bitcoin.

Sell Bitcoin Gold (BTG)

New Trading Tip Column – ’Writing On The Wall’ says ”Sell Bitcoin Gold”Anyone who was a bitcoin holder at Bitcoin block acme 491,407 accustomed an according bulk of Bitcoin Gold (BTG). They are currently attainable to the users of exchanges that account them and users of accouterments wallets such as Ledger Nano S and Trezor. Bitfinex BTG deposits are open where it is currently trading at ~$390.

In this column I’ll altercate why I anticipate this is an accomplished BTG affairs opportunity.

The chargeless float for BTG is currently acutely bound due to a cardinal factors:

Exchanges: Most big exchanges (e.g. Coinbase, Bitstamp, Kraken) are not acknowledging it, although this may change in the future.

Wallets: Best smartphone wallets are not acknowledging it; users charge manually abstract their clandestine keys and run a Bitcoin Gold applicant in adjustment to admission the coins, which is both almost complicated and risky. The aforementioned complication and risks abide for clandestine keys stored elsewhere, e.g. in Bitcoin Core or in algid accumulator cardboard wallets. We can accept this will booty some time for best users, while some may alike abstain it altogether.

The suppressed float, accumulated with the actuality that BTG was listed on Bithumb beforehand today has provided ideal altitude for a amount rally. Some facts about Bithumb:

The acumen why I anticipate the Bitcoin Gold amount is cher at ~$390 is because Bitcoin Gold has around aught association backing, no-name developers and a completely abandoned 100,000 BTG premine. I accept that the amount is apprenticed by Bithumb (responsible for ~50% of absolute BTG trading volume), and that Bithumb speculators are clumsy to sanely amount the asset (currently affairs at a bazaar cap appraisal of >$6bn).

Forked Coins and Forked Tongues

My approach is that there is a accent barrier amid South Korea and the West which prevents South Koreans from accessing advice that is calmly attainable to Western traders. Furthermore, the South Koreans are beginning to the cryptocurrency bazaar and the boilerplate charlatan is absurd to acquire a complete framework for valuating coins. Finally, I accept South Koreans accept a beyond appetence for accident than Western traders, and barter in a arrangement that added carefully resembles gambling.

The BTG chargeless float is acceptable to be adulterated over the advancing weeks and months as added users accretion admission to their coins. When that happens, I doubtable that the South Koreans will be clumsy to sustain the accepted amount akin for actual long.

Do you anticipate bitcoin gold has a future? And do you accept angled bill should be accustomed or avoided? Let us apperceive in the comments area below.

Disclaimer: Bitcoin amount accessories and markets updates are advised for advisory purposes alone and should not to be advised as trading advice. Neither nor the columnist is amenable for any losses or gains, as the ultimate accommodation to conduct a barter is fabricated by the reader. Always bethink that alone those in ascendancy of the clandestine keys are in ascendancy of the “money.”

Images address of Shutterstock.

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