Segregated Witness Removes One of Bitcoin's Data Integrity Checks

Segregated Witness Removes One of Bitcoin's Data Integrity Checks

THELOGICALINDIAN - The afterward assessment allotment on Segregated Witness was accounting by Jonald Fyookball

In 2017, Dr. Peter Rizun acclaimed that Segregated Witness (Segwit) changes the actual analogue of a Bitcoin as per the whitepaper: “We ascertain an cyberbanking bread as a alternation of agenda signatures.” In this article, I would like to aggrandize on that affair and add a key observation: breaking the alternation of agenda signatures is absolutely removing an candor analysis in the Bitcoin ledger. Bitcoin is a broadcast balance arrangement — a anatomy of database. When it comes to databases in general, there are abounding altered kinds of data integrity. One type, user-defined integrity, refers to a set of rules for a specific appliance (in this case, Bitcoin).

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In Bitcoin, one of the best important types of abstracts are the agenda signatures that prove a bread was transferred properly. The actuality that signatures cannot be artificial is one acumen that your bill in accumulator are safe, alike if the arrangement were to abide a 51% attack.

By defining a bread as a alternation of agenda signatures (and by implementing Bitcoin to crave the signature to be allotment of the transaction which again gets hashed into the ascribe of the abutting transaction), Bitcoin establishes an important abstracts candor check.

To a user, the blackmail is consistently that of bill vanishing or actuality stolen. Bitcoin’s aegis archetypal ensures that for a bread to move, a agnate signature has to be produced, and it has to be included in a transaction and appear on the blockchain.

Since bearing a affected signature is affected to be hard, no one can abduct your bill unless they got a authority of your clandestine keys. When a annexation does occur, you can go attending at the signature on the blockchain to verify that this is what happened.

This is accurate for all (non-Segwit) bill and affairs in Bitcoin; appropriately the candor analysis is weaved into the bolt of the blockchain, ensuring the aegis archetypal for all transactions.

How Segwit Removes the Integrity Check

How does the aloft description change beneath Segwit? To begin, I’ll adduce Dr. Rizun: “In a Bitcoin, the signatures are an basic allotment of the chain. Carol can alone verify the complete alternation of buying if all the signatures abide because if alike a distinct signature is missing, the alternation break down…there’s no way to chase it through. A Segwit bread is altered because the signatures are all alfresco of the chain. If alike none of the signatures exist, or maybe none of the signatures were alike absolute to activate with, Carol can still validate the alternation of custody. I’m application the chat aegis instead of the alternation of ownership, because Segwit absolutely alone shows custody.”

So in Segwit, we still accept the signature, but it is NOT appropriate to be anon included in the ascribe of the transaction. In fact, it’s absolutely afar for the purposes of eliminating malleability. Instead, the signature (“witness data”) is placed abroad in its own appropriate section. We still accept the data, but what we DON’T accept is the abstracts candor analysis back it’s not all-important to accept the complete transaction (including the signatures) the abutting time the bread is spent.

How the Security Model Changes Under Segwit

Segwit requires the attestant abstracts to be appear and committed to the block via a witness basis hash. In simple terms, anniversary block charge accommodate a assortment amount apery the set of signatures for its Segwit transactions. In both the Segwit and the non-Segwit case, miners are amenable to accomplish abiding the signatures are actual afore accepting a block. However, with Segwit, the signatures do not anon accommodate a bond from one transaction to the next, which is why they are said to be “outside the alternation of transactions”.

Segwit supporters absolve this anatomy by pointing out that the accord rules behest that miners validate all the signatures, and breaking that archetypal requires a 51% attack. While that may be true, the aegis archetypal has acutely changed. The abstruse candor analysis has been alone and replaced with a complete assurance on miners, rather than accepting both types of security. This is affiliated to cutting a belt AND suspenders for years to accomplish abiding your pants never abatement down, again one day demography off the belt and proclaiming “I’m still cutting suspenders, what could go wrong?”

How the Threat Model Changes Under Segwit

If we revisit the blackmail archetypal from the user perspective, what happens in Segwit if your bill go missing? I afresh accord acclaim to Peter for allurement the appropriate question: “Can you prove a annexation took place?”

In Bitcoin, the signature HAS to be on the chain, and you can attending it up on any explorer. Today with Segwit, you can additionally see the Witness abstracts on an explorer, but what if you didn’t see it?

A user could point to abandoned attestant abstracts on an charlatan as evidence, but what if the website fabricated some alibi for its absence and the alternation connected anyway? To what lengths does the user accept to go to, to argue himself and others of the problem? Philosophically speaking, it’s absurd to prove the non-existence of something. Now granted, realistically, it’s absolutely accessible that any dematerialization of attestant abstracts will be a accessible aberration that’s aloof as bad as a miner assuming an invalid signature is valid. Still, the archetypal has changed.

What Are the Real Security Issues?

First, accede the book of a miner that fails to broadcast all the attestant abstracts due to a software bug or accouterments problem. It ability be accessible for added miners to acquire the block but not all the attestant abstracts gets published. If this were anytime to appear alike once, it would abatement the appulse of missing signatures in the future.

Second, what if there anytime absolutely is a 51% attack? What if, for whatever reason, 51% of the miners adjudge to accumulate architecture on a block that doesn’t necessarily accept all the signatures? In the acceptable Bitcoin aegis model, there accept never been any instances of an invalid signature actuality accustomed because the aberration would be provable.

An absolute 51% majority may not alike be all-important if Segwit accouterment the incentives so that not all the miners are acceptance the signatures.

What if political burden is activated to mining pools to abduct some funds after a signature? After a assertive cardinal of blocks, would added miners capitulate or would the alternation split? You could altercate that the aforementioned affair could appear after Segwit (an invalid signature is accustomed as valid), but it seems beneath acceptable that this alternation would continue.


Although I am not pro-Segwit, I appetite to be as cold and fair as accessible and not enlarge the problem. In practice, so far, there haven’t been any problems with Segwit that I’m acquainted of. The signatures are still there, alike admitting the candor analysis ability not be. No database architecture is perfect. There are consistently trade-offs and some may accede Segwit to be an adequate trade-off, conceivably arguing that Bitcoin has abundant back-up with a ample cardinal of archival nodes so that missing attestant abstracts is never a problem.

Miners still accommodate acceptable security, and the threats categorical actuality ability never appear to pass.

Contradictions in the Core Roadmap

Segregated Witness is a artefact of the Bitcoin Core development aggregation and is acerb accurate by their followers. Aside from aggregate accounting so far, I acquisition there are some “interesting” contradictions in the way they anticipate about things.

I’ll blanket this commodity up by giving you two of them:

What do you anticipate about Segwit removing analytical abstracts from bitcoin transactions? Let us apperceive in the comments below.

Disclaimer: This OP/ED was accounting by Jonald Fyookball. The angle and opinions bidding in this commodity are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official action or position of

Images via Shutterstock, Dr. Peter Rizun’s slideshow, and Pixabay.

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