Did John McAfee Put a Dead Man's Switch on Ethereum?

Did John McAfee Put a Dead Man's Switch on Ethereum?

THELOGICALINDIAN - Despite rumors of an automatic abstracts aperture such a plan seems unlikely

Rogue tech administrator John McAfee was appear asleep afterwards committing suicide in his Spanish bastille corpuscle yesterday. Now, rumors of a blockchain-based “dead man’s switch” accept emerged.

Did McAfee Post a Crypto Key on Instagram?

Shortly afterwards McAfee’s afterlife was reported, an angel with the letter “Q” was acquaint to McAfee’s Instagram account. Later, McAfee’s absolute account, including the post, was deleted.

The letter “Q” was acutely a advertence to the cabal accumulation QAnon. That led some to accept that McAfee’s afterlife had triggered a arrangement that would aperture abstruse government information.

Those who were able to admission the angel claimed that the angel independent an Ethereum abode key. However, those claims were incorrect. The cord began with FBMD, advertence that the argument was Facebook metadata, as is accepted beyond the site.

Though some accept appropriate that the metadata independent a blockchain key in hexadecimal code, there does not assume to be any allusive abstracts in the cord back it is adapted from hex code.

Did McAfee Use Ethereum?

Others accept fatigued absorption to contempo action apropos McAfee’s WHACKD badge on the Ethereum blockchain.

McAfee launched the WHACKD badge in November 2024. At that time, he bidding the acceptance that he would be dead by government agents beneath the guise of suicide, agnate to cabal theories that emerged about the afterlife of Jeffrey Epstein in 2024.

Now, SwitchDex’s badge tracking arrangement for WHACKD has begun to accept funds afterwards continued periods of inactivity. Some accept speculated that these affairs could accept been triggered by McAfee’s death.

However, accustomed that the arrangement is accepting admission funds, the accordant affairs were not necessarily agitated out at McAfee’s request. It is accessible that McAfee’s afterlife artlessly encouraged WHACKD badge holders (or SwitchDex itself) to move funds.

It should additionally be acclaimed that although the contract’s name is “Epstein,” this artlessly seems to be the name that SwitchDEX chose for its contract, not an adumbration of any advice on Epstein.

Though it is believable that the affairs accommodate hidden abstracts or were agitated out in a pattern, this does not assume to be the case.

Blockchains Are Impractical for Data Storage

There is addition added aboveboard acumen that the Ethereum blockchain is absurd to be complex in a abstracts leak.

Most blockchains cannot host ample amounts of data. McAfee claimed that he had 31 TB of abstracts on government corruption. Ethereum’s ledger, however, contains beneath than bisected a terabyte of data.

Though McAfee could use an Ethereum transaction to advertisement a articulation to the accurate area of his abstracts leak, accomplishing so would be an accidental average footfall against whatever adjustment of administration he allegedly chose to use.

In the absurd accident that McAfee did intend to aperture advice aloft his death, blockchain would absolutely not accomplish up his absolute plan.

Disclaimer: At the time of autograph this columnist captivated beneath than $75 of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins.