Opinion: How FTX Is Leaving Coinbase in the Dust

Opinion: How FTX Is Leaving Coinbase in the Dust

THELOGICALINDIAN - FTX is outpacing all of its competitorsnot atomic Coinbase Chris Williams explains why the fastrising barter could win in the continued run

While FTX acutely has its architect set on expansion, Coinbase is backward in abounding areas.

FTX and Coinbase Compared

Regardless of back you came into crypto, you apparently bethink the aboriginal time you bought some. Back I aboriginal apprehend about Ethereum, I active up to Coinbase to buy ETH about anon after. It became my belvedere of best for stacking ETH thereafterat atomic until DeFi and stablecoins arrived. The acquaintance of affairs crypto on Coinbase has consistently been bland for me and I’ve never had any complaints (having said that, I did use Coinbase over Coinbase Pro for an embarrassingly continued time, acceptation I got austere advantageous through the adenoids on accidental fees). 

I’m beholden that Coinbase provided an onramp for me into article that would change my lifeand worldviewforever. Still the better crypto barter in the U.S., Coinbase is an astonishingly acknowledged company; its $86 billion appraisal on Nasdaq aftermost year accepted this. But while Coinbase has done able-bodied out of the contempo crypto boom, it’s starting to lose its bastion amid the crypto barter titans. While Binance charcoal top dog and Coinbase isn’t far behind, the fastest growing cryptocurrency barter in 2021 was a aggregation that launched almost three years ago. These days, you can acquisition its name on Miami Heat’s home court. It’s alleged FTX. 

I absorb a lot of time account about FTX’s Herculean business efforts, and for acceptable reason: the fast-rising barter has absolute all of its competitors out of the baptize back it comes to overextension cast awareness. Besides the $135 actor Miami Heat deal, FTX has additionally enlisted bodies like Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen as ally in a bright bid to allure boilerplate interest. It’s additionally denticulate a cardinal of acceptable goals above the sports world. 

Most recently, FTX added support for Ethereum’s top Layer 2 solution, Arbitrum. For some alien reason, Coinbase is yet to accomplish a Layer 2 move and seems added focused on advertisement complete debris aimed at bodies who don’t apperceive any better; alone a day afore FTX added Arbitrum, it added abutment for a arguable activity alleged Pawtocol. Afore that, FTX bought Liquid in what will apparently be one of several big acquisitions it makes this year. And back meme stocks were all the acerbity and Wall Street Bets was assertive headlines, FTX’s active aggregation responded by advertisement GameStop stocks and argent futures. It additionally offered barge futures as the copse bazaar entered a aberration appearance aftermost year. It was able to do this partly because of apart authoritative restrictions: clashing Coinbase, FTX’s capital arm isn’t based in the U.S. (the close is currently headquartered in the Bahamas). 

FTX additionally has a far abate aggregation than Coinbase. At the captain of it is Sam Bankman-Fried, the guy who traded his way to acceptable the richest beneath 30-year-old in the apple and helped Solana become a top bristles bread aftermost year. Bankman-Fried is a cult-like bulk in crypto, and his acceptability is such that there are memes about his shoelaces and appointment beanbag (he generally sleeps on the FTX attic rather than activity home so that he stays in a assignment headspace). Bankman-Fried memorably fabricated a $5 actor donation to Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, and I doubtable he’s a big acumen for the cool bulk of basic the barter has aloft over the aftermost few months. FTX is currently valued at $32 billion. 

Coinbase, meanwhile, hasn’t had absolutely the aforementioned success of late. Yes, it went accessible aftermost year in what was declared as a watershed moment for the industry, but that was the aerial point. Internal backroom over the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020 resulted in a widely-shared hit allotment in The New York Times, and Brian Armstrong responded by publishing a alienated blog post about how backroom can account distractions. He appear that the aggregation would abide laser-focused on its mission as “#OneCoinbase.” A agglomeration of advisers larboard over the beating and Coinbase was larboard advantageous out acceptable severance packages. Unlike FTX, Coinbase employs over 1,000 people, so maybe these kinds of clashes were inevitable. 

It’s faced added issues, too. While the world’s better exchange, Binance, has consistently done its best to balk regulators, Coinbase has proudly taken the adverse approach. But that backfired aftermost year back the SEC screwed the company over on its Lend product, admonishing that its anchored 4% absorption amount on agenda assets could aggregate a security. Coinbase canned Lend anon after. Back it bent assimilate the NFT bang after than best of its competitors, it promised an NFT marketplace geared against amusing assurance by the end of 2021, but it’s still boilerplate to be seen. Coinbase NFT has back been spotlighting assorted NFT projects through its Twitter page, at times acrimonious out odd (and cartel I say, out of touch) choices like MekaVerse, which was calmly one of the affliction NFT projects of 2021. 

There’s one added accessible point I’ve almost affected on. FTX has the cleanest user acquaintance of all the above crypto exchanges, and it doesn’t bathe you on fees like Coinbase does. That actuality abandoned has assertive abounding traders to move over (admittedly, Coinbase is still the go-to barter for abounding big players, which is a absolute aftereffect of the aggregation targeting whales through its Coinbase Institutional products). It’s decidedly acceptable for derivatives, which explains why it does about $12 billion in circadian volume.

What added needs to be said? Nothing is connected in life, not atomic in crypto. Just as Ethereum may one day cast Bitcoin, and Solana or some added Layer 1 may one day cast Ethereum, don’t be afraid to see FTX beat Coinbase—and conceivably alike Binance—in the future. Hell, on about every metric besides atom trading volume, it already has. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.