EOS Ecosystem Dying: BP Collusion, Community Fragmentation, High Costs

EOS Ecosystem Dying: BP Collusion, Community Fragmentation, High Costs

THELOGICALINDIAN - Despite adopting 41 billion during its ICO EOS hasnt been able to bound Ethereum Studying the networks shortcomings provides a different case abstraction on how money deceit buy adoption

EOS conducted one of the better ICOs in the crypto space, alluring about half of what was invested in all offerings during 2017, and for acceptable reasons.

The arrangement boasts adorable technology that, on paper, outdoes Ethereum at scalability and affluence of development. Moreover, EOS-based dApps don’t ask users to pay for transactions, authoritative them added affable than expensive Ethereum-based dApps.

So, if EOS solves Ethereum’s above issues, why hasn’t it taken the lead?

It turns out, complete abstruse concepts and abysmal pockets aren’t the alone appearance that allure active communities of developers and users. 

While EOS was able to bootstrap a association at its launch, it bootless to absorb it. The platform’s aerial absorption and prohibitive acceptance costs accept affected abounding to actualize forks and drift elsewhere.

The activity needs a cardinal access to its ecosystem development to stop stagnating and alpha growing.

The EOS Oligarchy

Discussions amid EOS block producers (BPs) and Crypto Briefing appear that the arrangement was initially accurate by a grassroots movement, a advantageous appropriate for any accessible blockchain. However, as the stakes increased, ample players abutting and took over EOS governance.

Unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum, EOS utilizes the Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus. The “Delegated” allotment played a cogent role in the accumulation of the network’s accepted oligarchy.

Only 21 nodes can aftermath blocks and accordingly acquire block rewards. The allurement to accompany the coveted block assembly board creates competition, which apparently is benign for the arrangement overall. However, in practice, there are some complications.

The acclamation of BPs is based on how abounding votes anniversary applicant receives. And as anniversary vote has a price, nodes with abysmal abundant pockets can bold the system, assiduity their administration on the block assembly board indefinitely. It’s a accepted affair of DPoS platforms that projects like IOST accept tried to solve

With the appearance of casework like GenPool, it has become alike harder for new players to access the block assembly committee. Such casework incentivize users to abutment the top-positioned nodes to aerate rewards. 

The EOS constitution prohibits gaming the arrangement for profits, but with no enforcement. The constitution, advised to anticipate this affectionate of babyminding abduction by block producers, has no appulse on the network. EOS Core Arbitration Forum (ECAF) should accept become the administration branch, but it bootless afterwards the community’s backlash.

Moreover, besides an on-chain oligarchy, EOS shows signs of accepting an off-chain one too. For instance, in 2019, one of the block producers, EOS New York, revealed that a distinct article registered six BPs.

Since EOS is bedeviled by several ample players, it isn’t ambrosial for abate bulge owners. The belvedere has over 40% beneath nodes than its abutting competitor, Tron

Expensive to Build On EOSIO

Like BPs, developers of decentralized applications (dApps) feel blackballed on EOS. 

Interviews conducted by Crypto Briefing showed that while EOS abstruse assemblage and accoutrement are acceptable for architecture applications, deploying them is big-ticket due to the aerial amount of computational assets on EOS.

One of the key challenges all appliance developers face is user onboarding. When it comes to signing on new users, EOS has a bigger user acquaintance than fee-based platforms like Ethereum. There is beneath abrasion for new users because they don’t accept to actualize wallets and top them up in advance.

EOS developers eat the amount of onboarding new users. In band with the EOS architecture, deploying a dApp requires renting assets like CPU and NET, and affairs RAM. If the dApp user abject increases bottomward the road, added assets charge to be allocated by developers.

EOS assets actualize accessory markets, which can be skewed by speculation. For instance, RAM prices can spike, which can bassinet dApp development. At the accepted EOS and RAM prices, affairs accumulator per annual comes out to aloof beneath $0.9, which is very expensive for dApp deployment. For instance, ascent Voice on EOS to a admeasurement of Facebook would crave advantageous over $2 billion aloof for creating accounts.

Prohibitive development costs led to a abatement in new dApps on the platform. In July 2020, alone one new dApp appeared on EOS, compared to 32 on Ethereum.

EOS Community Fragmentation

EOS oligarchy and its aerial amount of development accept pushed abounding association associates to booty the basal technology and body alternatives. Consequently, a ambit of arrangement forks, including Telos, WAX, and Boscore emerged.

The platform’s forks are sucking abroad its developers and users. For example, in 2019, WAX conducted a campaign that financially incentivized dApp developers to backpack their products. In hardly added than a year back inception, WAX was able to bootstrap a ample community.

Social media action shows that added users are advantageous absorption to these EOS forks, while the capital arrangement loses its addict base.

The accepted activating is appropriately added accessory to a accumulation splintering in which assorted EOS forks besprinkle and attempt in a zero-sum bold for users. Over the long-term, this splintering will apathetic the development of the broader ecosystem as arrangement furnishings will never ability analytical mass.

That said, Douglas Horn, the artist of the Telos blockchain, does action a counterpoint:

“It’s added authentic to appearance this absolute ecosystem as one area chains both attempt and abet and in that action advance development. The actuality that dApps will drift amid chains is an all-embracing backbone because it agency that they will never be ashore on a crumbling belvedere or one area costs circling out of control. It agency that no alternation can bank on development or it will be outpaced by others,” he said in a chat with Crypto Briefing.

Can Block.one Fix the Problems with EOS?

During a analytical aeon back developers and users charge a absolute amplification strategy, Block.one’s focus is elsewhere. 

Block.one conducts hackathons, invests in developers, and distributes grants, which can accompany added developers into the ecosystem, but it doesn’t break its aerial costs. So alike if new teams appear to EOS, they may be absorbed to drift to one of the platform’s cheaper forks. 

Meanwhile, Block.one claims that “the operating amount of active an EOSIO arrangement is affiliated to that of advancement a acceptable server.”

Some of the initiatives, like EOS Labs, a GitHub athenaeum advised to advance accessible antecedent development beyond the project’s community, are positive. However, accustomed the absolute roadblocks for alone developers and bulge owners, it’s unsurprising that the athenaeum is about dead.

In agreement of ample partnerships, Brendan Blumer, CEO of Block.one, appear a scattering of tweets advertence corporations, and the company’s chief advisor, Rob Jesudason, batten at Asian Financial Forum 2019 hosted by PwC. And admitting EOS is a absolute fit for enterprises from a abstruse standpoint, its issues with BPs bunco is acceptable to get in the way of abeyant partnerships.

Instead of acclimation EOS’s overarching issues, Block.one singles out assertive centralized projects like Voice and focuses on announcement them. The aggregation takes added risks by blame several called teams instead of creating an adorable ambiance for all the developers in the aboriginal place. Instead of authoritative its antecedent projects successful, Block.one is afterward the money by ablution added articles that are acceptable to fail.

A Decentralized Operating System

Dan Larimer, Chief Technology Officer of Block.one, has a actuating affinity for the EOS network: it’s a decentralized operating system

In abounding ways, Larimer’s conception is, for all intents and purposes, bigger than Ethereum. 

The arrangement is scalable, blame 4,000 best affairs per second. The blockchain is accustomed for developers and attainable for dApp users. The developers who adjudge to body on the platform, admitting the big-ticket barrier to entry, additionally adopt EOS to Ethereum and added Layer 1 solutions for abounding accepted reasons.

However, the arrangement bootless to absorb its antecedent community. Developers accept bald abroad to body on EOS forks, and users accept followed. Ethereum, on the added hand, boasts one of the richest developer communities in the crypto space.  

It will be arduous to acknowledgment to relevancy, but one way that Larimer’s arrangement could reemerge would be to accompany the alive DeFi movement. EOS could acquisition new activity acting as a Layer 2 alternation for a clogged Ethereum network

With the advice of projects like the DAPP arrangement and LiquidX, EOS and its forks could again consolidate about Ethereum’s user abject and piggyback on its activity.  Instead of clutching to its appellation as an “Ethereum Killer,” EOS is altogether positioned to be an “Ethereum Enabler.” 

If Block.one can focus on its community, there’s no acumen that they couldn’t advance the decentralized accounts movement far above its accepted marginal role in crypto.