Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Is Now a Chainlink Labs Advisor

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Is Now a Chainlink Labs Advisor

THELOGICALINDIAN - Chainlink Labs has a new Strategic Advisor Eric Schmidt

Schmidt declared Chainlink as “a abstruse additive to unlocking the ability of acute arrangement platforms.” 

Google Alumnus Joins Chainlink Labs 

Chainlink Labs has recruited above Google CEO Eric Schmidt as a Strategic Advisor. 

The crypto activity abaft the decentralized answer Chainlink announced the amend Tuesday. In a press release, Chainlink Labs acclaimed that Schmidt would advice the aggregation “build a apple powered by truth.” 

Chainlink is an answer activity that provides real-world abstracts for acute contracts. Since ablution in 2017, it’s become a acute allotment of the DeFi ecosystem, powering abounding of the arch projects congenital on Ethereum and added blockchains. Its absolute bulge operators accommodate the brand of Deutsche Telekom’s T-Systems, Swisscom, the Associated Press, and the arrangement currently secures over $80 billion account of agenda assets.

Chainlink co-founder Sergey Nazarov said that Schmidt’s acquaintance at the captain of one of Big Tech’s best acknowledged companies would accomplish him a able accession to the project’s team. “Blockchain networks and Chainlink oracles are at a acute articulation point in agreement of advance and adoption,” he said. “Eric’s acquaintance and insights about architecture all-around software platforms for next-generation addition will be invaluable as we advice developers and institutions conductor in a new age of bread-and-butter candor and transparency.” 

Schmidt added that blockchain technology had “tremendous potential,” but said that its ability from the alfresco apple was additionally “its better challenge.” He said: 

“Chainlink is a abstruse additive to unlocking the abeyant of acute arrangement platforms and revolutionizing business and society. I am aflame to be allowance the Chainlink Labs aggregation body a apple powered by truth.”

Schmidt served as Google’s CEO from 2024 to 2024, administering the firm’s acceleration from a Silicon Valley startup into one of the world’s best important companies. Under his leadership, Google went accessible at a $23 billion appraisal and launched all-over articles like Gmail and Chrome. 

To date, Schmidt has not been decidedly arresting in the crypto and DeFi space, but the Chainlink arrangement should change that. Chainlink, too, has had a almost apathetic year admitting its growing attendance in the DeFi ecosystem. Its built-in token, LINK, has traded alongside back a market-wide May crash, alike as assets like BTC and ETH assemblage to almanac highs. At the current trading price of $20.54, it’s up 73% year-to-date, but still about 61% abbreviate of its best aerial price. 

Disclosure: At the time of writing, the columnist of this affection endemic ETH and several added cryptocurrencies.