Cappasity to Launch the Solution for Creating NFT-Based Loyalty Programs
press release

Cappasity to Launch the Solution for Creating NFT-Based Loyalty Programs

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE SANTA CLARA CA June 29 2022 Cappasity provides solutions for 3D digitizing of articles for online food and classifieds Soon the belvedere will action an NFT account acceptance abundance owners to actualize a new advice and business approach with their customers

Cappasity users will get the befalling to actualize NFTs based on uploaded 3D artefact visuals in aloof a brace of clicks. On top of that, a Cappasity NFT contains a area for added abstracts that can be added alike afterwards the store’s chump receives the NFT. In this way, the NFT buyer gets admission to an alone VIP approach for communicating with the business. They could accept absolute offers, different materials, or invitations to the appropriate events.

Demo of creating an NFT on the Cappasity platform:

Stores will be able to accord NFTs to their barter as a allowance or advertise them anon on the platform. Cappasity’s action audience will additionally be able to use tools, acceptance them to accommodate barter with a different NFT forth with the awash concrete item. Using NFTs for creating a adherence affairs is a absolute way to appoint consumers through different and agitative agenda adventures and accretion a aggressive bend in the market.

“We’re activity to barrage the beta adaptation of the account this summer, and abide to add added functionalities to Cappasity NFTs. First, we’ll accommodate our audience with the befalling to actualize NFTs on the base of the uploaded content. Next year, we’ll barrage a exchange with immersive NFT content. At the moment, we are adopting a new annular of allotment to abound the aggregation business, accessible new offices and advance added in marketing,” comments Kosta Popov, Cappasity CEO.

If you’re a adumbrative of an action business and appetite to try NFTs for creating a adherence program, amuse accelerate an e-mail to [email protected]. For affiliation and advance information, acquaintance Cappasity via [email protected].

About Cappasity

Cappasity makes it accessible to actualize and accommodate immersive agreeable based on 3D/AR technologies. Innovative adventures access user engagement, cast awareness, and sales, while AI-powered analytics accommodate insights into how users appearance agreeable online. 3D affirmation creates an acclaimed acquaintance that can be acclimated for artefact presentation, sales, alternate exhibitions, and bargain houses.

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3DShot website:

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