CEX.IO LOAN Experiences Massive Institutional Demand With Over $100 Million of Loan Requests
press release

CEX.IO LOAN Experiences Massive Institutional Demand With Over $100 Million of Loan Requests

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE CEXIO LOAN adventures massive institutional appeal for its cryptobacked lending account with 41 of barter requesting to borrow banknote adjoin Bitcoin 53 adjoin Ethereum and 6 adjoin DeFi tokens

Crypto-backed lending account CEX.IO LOAN that launched in October 2020 in baddest all-around jurisdictions, has been experiencing above demand, accepting over $100 actor account of accommodation requests to date. While the account has been broadly accepted amid retail investors, best of the platform’s accommodation requests came from institutional investors.

According to CEX.IO LOAN, such an access in appeal can be attributed to the institutionalization of the cryptocurrency industry. Institutional investors, who accept cryptocurrencies in their possession, attention it as a abeyant accessory for borrowing funds and actively utilise it as such. The adopted funds are again acclimated for added advance purposes.

In accession to featuring cutting-edge aegis and avant-garde anti-fraud measures, CEX.IO Group operates a adapted service, which has been accountant as a Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) provider by the Gibraltar Financial Account Commission (GFSC) back aftermost year. In accession to this, the Government of Gibraltar afresh accepted CEX.IO Limited a Money Lender License, acceptance the close to extend its ecosystem of adapted casework with CEX.IO LOAN.

Institutional audience additionally adopt the company’s agenda asset-backed lending annual due to the accessibility offered to users. On the CEX.IO LOAN platform, barter can borrow banknote adjoin their cryptocurrency assets in a quick and simple manner, after accepting to accord with acclaim checks or any accidental paperwork. To admission the company’s burning crypto-backed lending service, new users accept to accessible an annual at the agenda asset barter and canyon the binding Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML checks.

CEX.IO LOAN serves assorted cryptocurrency bazaar participants, from retail investors, traders, and HODLers to startups, entrepreneurs, and ample enterprises. As allotment of a adjustable crypto-backed lending service, users can borrow any bulk amid $500 and $100,000 at aggressive absorption ante starting at 8.75% per year. Loan continuance alignment from seven canicule to one year.

Currently, retail users can borrow funds adjoin their Bitcoin (BTC) or Ethereum (ETH) assets. Based on the company’s data, the affection has already accomplished aerial appeal from VIP clients, with 41% of all CEX.IO LOAN barter borrowing banknote adjoin Bitcoin (BTC), 53% adjoin Ethereum (ETH), and 6% adjoin DeFi tokens.

The aggregation has afresh alien a VIP-exclusive affection to action adjustable lending altitude and the adeptness to use decentralized accounts (DeFi) tokens as accessory for institutional audience on the crypto-backed lending platform.

Furthermore, to best serve institutional customers, the requests and queries of VIP audience are handled alone by committed claimed managers on the CEX.IO LOAN platform. Interestingly, 14% of CEX.IO VIP barter accept already asked their claimed managers about borrowing funds via the crypto-backed lending service.

“As institutional investors acquisition the agenda asset industry more attractive, it’s a amusement to serve them with our enterprise-grade burning crypto-backed accommodation platform. Security, convenience, and acquiescence are key priorities for accumulated clients, which are appearance that we accept been accouterment to all our audience in the rapidly growing CEX.IO ecosystem. Most importantly, we appetite to accommodate institutional audience with the best service. For that reason, VIP audience adore absolute benefits, such as committed claimed managers and adjustable lending options, on the CEX.IO LOAN platform,” Anton Chashchin, Commercial Director for the CEX.IO LOAN service, stated.

In the announcement, the close appear added capacity about the admeasurement of the funds audience borrow on the CEX.IO LOAN platform. Based on the company’s data, while retail investors borrow $1,400 on average, VIP audience appeal larger-sized loans that alter in size, with the archetypal bulk actuality $1 actor or higher.

Institutional audience do not aloof borrow added but additionally charge the funds for added continued periods which usually ambit amid 6 and 12 months. According to the company, this abnormality indicates a abiding action for VIP audience to administer their assets.


CEX.IO LOAN is a allotment of the CEX.IO Group, with this account provided by CEX.IO Limited, Gibraltar. Founded in 2013, CEX.IO operates one of the better all-embracing exchanges of the cryptocurrency market, which has been featured amid Crypto Compare’s ten best barter casework and Coin Metrics’ trusted account providers. With a multi-functional agenda asset exchange, CEX.IO serves over 3 actor barter common with a aggregation of over 250 professionals and offices in the UK, USA, Ukraine, Cyprus, and Gibraltar. From entry-level cryptocurrency users to able traders as able-bodied as institutions and businesses, CEX.IO apparel the needs of assorted crypto bazaar participants with a reliable, high-security agenda asset service.

For abounding years, CEX.IO Group has been alive to aggrandize its ecosystem with new solutions, including the B2B fiat-to-crypto barter band-aid CEX.IO Direct, the abstruse band-aid for clamminess accession CEX.IO Aggregator, a analysis and acquiescence belvedere Identance, and a staking account CEX.IO Staking.

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