Cyclos and Solatars announce the launch of Solana NFT collection “Le Cougar Clique”
press release

Cyclos and Solatars announce the launch of Solana NFT collection “Le Cougar Clique”

THELOGICALINDIAN - The absolution is planned for aboriginal December through a minting accident captivated on Cyclos

Cyclos, the concentrated clamminess AMM on Solana, is partnering with Solatars to barrage Le Cougar Clique, a different NFT bead angry to the CycloSwap DeFi platform.

By bond the accumulation of Cougars with Cyclos, the aim is to actualize a blameless aeon amid the two articles and their communities.

Le Cougar Clique connects NFTs to DeFi through a “culling” artisan that deflates the NFT accumulation to access their scarcity. The anticlimax mechanism, alleged Cougarnomics, relies on CycloSwap belvedere acquirement to bake the absolute accumulation of Cougars. After the excellent event, 25% of CycloSwap belvedere fees and 15% of Cougar auction royalties will be acclimated every two weeks to “cull” the weakest Cougars. The belvedere will buy aback the NFTs from the bazaar and abort them, appropriately abbreviation the accumulation of Cougars.

The clamminess affiliation for Cougars goes both ways. One division of the gain from Cougar royalties will be acclimated to acquirement CYS and pale it in clamminess pools, giving the Cougar Clique DAO bureau over a allocation of the CYS badge supply.

Le Cougar Clique NFTs will be appear in a accumulation of 10,000 Cougars, all duke fatigued in accord with the Solatars team. The absolution is planned for aboriginal December through a minting accident captivated on

Cyclos is the aboriginal concentrated clamminess automatic bazaar maker on Solana. Utilizing this able abstraction pioneered by Uniswap V3, Cyclos can abutment any blazon of brace from basal stablecoin-to-stablecoin swaps to awful alien tokens. Building on the highly-scalable Solana belvedere enables CycloSwap clamminess providers to fine-tune their positions, alms abundant added attention and abundant cheaper alive administration compared to Uniswap V3.

Jason O’Brian, co-founder of Cyclos, said:

“By bond the accumulation of Cougars with Cyclos, our aim is to actualize a blameless aeon amid the two articles and their communities. As the Cyclos ecosystem continues to expand, so too will the account cases for the Cougars. Our absorbed abaft founding the Cougar Den (the DAO abaft the project) will be for the association to coact on developing approaching use cases calm with the Cyclos team.”

Cyclos is the aboriginal concentrated clamminess AMM on Solana. It enables college yields for LPs and bigger ante for traders by amalgamation the advocate abstraction of concentrated clamminess with the aerial speeds and low transaction costs of the Solana blockchain. On Cyclos, concentrated clamminess allows users to accept a amount ambit aural which they are accommodating to accomplish markets, accomplishment LP rewards with alone a atom of the ahead appropriate capital.