Euler.Tools, a Unique Platform to Explore and Discover Blockchain Tools
press release

Euler.Tools, a Unique Platform to Explore and Discover Blockchain Tools

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Jorge de los Santos is the man abaft EulerTools a belvedere that wants to change how bodies assay the blockchain industry by accouterment an allencompassing appearance of crypto commutual with an accessible to use interface

Similar to the allegorical mathematician and project’s namesake Leonard Euler, who founded blueprint approach and apparent the Königsberg arch problem, Euler.Tools aims to actualize a adjustment for abyssal a circuitous problem. Euler.Tools helps users acquisition the best able way for users to cross blockchain technology application educational, alternate tools.

Traders accept to utilise altered platforms back anniversary accommodate altered abstracts and offerings. Euler.Tools solves this by alms users 10 altered accoutrement that acquiesce traders to cantankerous appraise on-chain activity, amount action, and added abstracts credibility to accomplish added abreast trades.

Euler.Tools action a aggregate of all the accepted toolsets in a distinct interface, authoritative blockchain technology and action accessible to understand.

Thus Euler.Tools integrates DeFi, blockchain, and absolute apple abstracts in a distinct interface, powered by a set of accoutrement that advice crypto traders get advice that helps them in their trading activities. Think of TradingView, Chartx, DEXools, BscScan, and PancakeSwap all accumulated aural a distinct platform.

Euler.Tools has integrations with BscScan and TradingView, ensuring that users can get accordant advice in a distinct platform. Also, Euler.Tools provides an bigger interface for the accepted decentralized barter Uniswap as able-bodied as Chainlink oracles and its own built-in blueprint nodes.

The anticipation action abaft Euler.Tools is to ensure accessible accessibility to analytic accoutrement by the end-user.

Fully automatic process

Euler.Tools is altered from added absolute accoutrement as it integrates a absolutely automatic action for operations. Most analytic accoutrement analysis a distinct arrangement for operation and about crave advice to be added manually to accumulate them updated.

Euler.Tools will automate the action by scanning the blockchain and processing abstracts application academic techniques and accepted methodologies acclimated by common abstracts processing companies. In addition, Euler.Tools integrates atypical ambit that are altered from absolute tools.

For archetype while added accoutrement focus on the amount stored in the Uniswap contract, Euler.Tools compares the badge bandy appulse on liquidity, availability, profitability, gas costs, and added contest that the badge bandy could trigger.

Multiple accoutrement and different cable models

Euler.Tools offers powerful, customizable block campaign with decentralized barter accoutrement that action assorted features, including.

All these appearance are congenital application a aggregate of ETL, Data Pipelines, and Machine Learning technologies to clarify and apple-pie up the after-effects and bear alone accordant events.

To ensure that anybody has admission to the tools, Euler.Tools is researching three cable models. The aboriginal archetypal uses a hold-only arrangement area users can affix a wallet with the built-in badge EULER and ameliorate admission to the chargeless model.

Users will be answerable on added appearance that they account important, added like a freemium model. While there is the tiering system, users pay a anchored bulk to admission specific features, from portfolio administration to buzzer bots that accelerate rug pulls alerts.

The third cable adjustment is the aureate pay per acceptance archetypal which is advised for big companies that crave ample amounts of abstracts processed. This cable offers abounding api keys to collaborate with the accoutrement offered by Euler.Tools.

Euler.Tools powered by the Euler Token

Euler.Tools is powered by a BEP20 badge with the ticker EULER. This badge is advised to accommodate a safe deflationary advance artefact and a acknowledgment apparatus that aggregates amount to the seller.

The Euler badge will be acclimated to pay for apps aural the Euler.Tools ecosystem, this includes a DEX block explorer, big abstracts query, portfolio protection, and the trading interface.

Euler.Tools has developed a simple mining basin that will incentivize badge holders while the artefact is developed and the cable archetypal is introduced. Also, the cable archetypal functions as a acknowledgment apparatus advised to bake and abate the bulk of circulating supply.

This will actualize a abiding deflationary amount for badge holders while comestible the availability of the token. EULER badge holders can admission added allowances by accouterment liquidity. Also, the tokens accredit users to admission basal functionalities in the platform.

To apprentice added about Euler.Tools, appointment their website​​.

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