NutsPay Collaborates With au on Web Portal
press release

NutsPay Collaborates With au on Web Portal

THELOGICALINDIAN - The accord is set to circuit up amateur a cable account and a web aperture for NutsPay users

NutsPay is now accommodating with au to action users alternate games, a cable service, and a web aperture on which accessories on the nut industry will be fabricated available.

Revolutionizing the Cambodian Cashew Economy

NutsPay is announcement its accord with au, from the KDDI Corporation, a above Japanese telecom company.

NutsPay is a new banking arrangement that supports the cashew nut bazaar in Cambodia. It is said that 80% of citizens in Cambodia are too poor to accept a coffer account. NutsPay is a amusing lending activity for the cashew nut bazaar and will use Shanti’s blockchain technology. The activity aims to accommodate the Cambodian abridgement with blockchain.

The country currently produces 1.1 actor bags of cashews anniversary year, which barter at about $1,500 per ton. If NutsPay becomes a reality, it’ll be alive on a cashew bazaar account $1.65 billion.

NutsPay’s accord with au will absorb developing and absolution a bold for kids with a basics theme. The bold will be developed by mediba, a accessory of the KDDI Group. The bold is appointed to be launched ancient about August or September.

Madame Laihout’s Basics will additionally be able on the au Smart Pass cable service, which has added than 15 actor advantageous subscribers. Madame Laihout’s Basics are cashew basics produced at the branch of Ing Laihout, a arch changeable administrator in Cambodia. Cashew basics that accept been anxiously handcrafted and maintained with a focus on deliciousness are now enjoyed about the world.

Au’s web portal with over 10 actor different account users will along be fabricated accessible to NutsPay. Articles on the basics industry and NutsPay will consistently be acquaint on the platform.

The cashew business is accepting all-around absorption in agreement of SDGs as well. Recently, the Apple Economic Forum (WEF), hosted and organized by the Apple Economic Forum Annual Meeting (Davos Meeting), absitively to advance in Cambodian agronomics in its abiding vision. In addition, cashews are acceptable a advance bazaar accustomed about the world, with all-embracing investments actuality fabricated by banking institutions that are associates of the Apple Economic Forum for the abutting 10 years.