Portal and HighCircleX to Tokenize Pre-IPO Equity on the Bitcoin Blockchain
press release

Portal and HighCircleX to Tokenize Pre-IPO Equity on the Bitcoin Blockchain

THELOGICALINDIAN - This affiliation is addition anniversary in Portals mission to accompany realworld use cases to Bitcoin

Portal, a cross-chain Layer-2 DEX arrangement congenital on Bitcoin, has abutting easily with HighCircleX, a blockchain-based asset exchange by High Circle Ventures, to advice tokenize shares in pre-IPO companies on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Portal is Tokenizing Assets on the Bitcoin Blockchain

HighCircleX is a belvedere for the new bearing of clandestine disinterestedness investments and trading after friction. The tokenization of disinterestedness in private, pre-IPO companies will advice accompany clamminess to illiquid assets. It will additionally access the account of the Bitcoin blockchain as Portal continues to body “many layers of applications” on top of it.

The companies whose buying absorption can be tokenized and traded accommodate Klarna, SpaceX, Automation Anywhere, Epic Games, and Cross River Bank. These are some of the finest and best adapted pre-IPO companies in the world.

Portal’s Executive Chairman Dr. Chandra Duggirala commented:

“Portal is bringing absolute apple use cases to Bitcoin. Eventually we will see tokenization of abounding added banking assets assimilate the Bitcoin blockchain. Although these assets are not agent assets like Bitcoin, accepting both agenda asset balance and non-security agenda assets accessible through a simple interface for users who accommodated accreditation broker belief marks the alpha of amalgamation Bitcoin ecosystem with boilerplate finance. This additionally fixes the botheration of clamminess breach beyond abounding altered exchanges and applications.”

Investing in clandestine markets still has above limitations such as the bearding time periods back money is bound up, a abridgement of liquidity, ambiguity about the accurate amount of holdings, and more. With the advice of Portal, HighCircleX will annihilate abounding of the accepted limitations by tokenizing the clandestine holdings.

Hemanth Golla, the CEO of HighcircleX, said:

“HCX makes it a breeze for investors to advance in clandestine disinterestedness offerings. It gives associates burning admission to apportioned buying of stocks in the hottest companies. We accept that tokenization and fast, accessible tradability that appear with it will alleviate and aggrandize this bazaar tremendously.”

HighCircleX (HCX) structures and manages an LLC for anniversary investment. Investors don’t anon own shares of the basal company. Instead, they own tokens that represent buying of the LLC. The absolute funds from the LLC are acclimated to buy a specific pre-IPO investment. These tokens can calmly be traded on the HCX marketplace, enabling quick liquidity, apportioned trading, and burning settlement. Thus, investors can banknote out or barter tokens to admission clamminess alike afore an investee aggregation goes accessible or gets acquired.

With this partnership, in accession to trading non-security agenda assets, accepted Portal users will get seamless admission to tokenized securities, both from one wallet. It will additionally access the accessible broker abject for HighCircleX.

Portal’s Layer 2 and Layer 3 technology simplifies architecture censorship-resistant communications, media and one-click beheading of cross-chain swaps on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It facilitates the private, off-chain beheading of “smart contracts” for asset issuance, swaps, staking, liquidity, derivatives, and more, all peer-to-peer, after third-party aegis or control.

Portal is DeFi congenital on Bitcoin. It makes barter unstoppable with anonymous, zero-knowledge swaps via the aboriginal accurate cross-chain DEX that’s trust-minimized. It eliminates minting captivated bill (ie wBTC, wETH) or chancy staking with intermediaries. With Portal, DeFi becomes a account that anyone can provide, advancement anonymity aural open, cellophane markets with a aegis archetypal as able-bodied as Bitcoin mining.

Portal’s Layer 2 and Layer 3 technology enables architecture censorship-resistant communications, media and one-click cross-chain swaps, all on Bitcoin.