PR: Appics: the Next Generation Social App That Turns Likes into Currency
press release

PR: Appics: the Next Generation Social App That Turns Likes into Currency

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom does not endorse nor abutment this productservice Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

APPICS is a abutting generation, reward-based amusing media appliance that runs on top of the Steem blockchain, enabling bodies from about the apple to affix and acceptance all participants to benefit.

Social media users absorb abounding hours per day creating, administration and examination agreeable – but they don’t acquire annihilation from it.

APPICS aims to accord bodies aback their return-on-investment and rewards its users by axis “likes” into currency!

This concept, additionally accepted as “Proof of brain” has already been accurate anatomic and acknowledged on the blockchain-based blogging belvedere

APPICS is the actual aboriginal Smart Media Token based on the Steem blockchain and was created in abounding cooperation with Steemit Inc.

APPICS will accommodate one of the aboriginal boilerplate ambrosial gateways to the apple of cryptocurrencies for boilerplate amusing media users by alms an appliance that is automatic to use and requires no antecedent ability about blockchain technology.

With the APPICS app users can acquire agenda tokens by creating and curating content. It’s as accessible as announcement a account on any added amusing media belvedere – but with APPICS you get adored for it!

You can watch the official APPICS video here.


APPICS is based on a decentralized contribution-reward-system powered by the Steem blockchain and its built-in badge is the APPICS bread (XAP) which allotment the created amount aback to its antecedent – namely the creators and curators of the network.

Rewards are absorbed to “likes” and by creating or acquainted the amount of agreeable all participants get a fair allotment of the reward-pool.

Within the application, there will be 15 altered categories of agreeable – alignment from art to sports to affairs and more. Each class has a adumbrative in the field, an accomplished amusing media user who has congenital a acceptability and admirers on added amusing platforms, namely a amusing media influencer. APPICS utilizes their ability by amalgam them into the belvedere as class judges. The influencer’s “like“ will accept a ample weight on the rewards due to arctic funds actuality put into their annual wallets. They will be able to adjudicator agreeable and accord admonition aural their specialized class and act as a moderator, clarification admired agreeable as able-bodied as bringing their absolute admirers to APPICS, acceptance them to account as well.

But of advance APPICS additionally enables newcomers to become an influencer themselves, by actuality the aboriginal adopters of a new amusing media revolution.

APPICS combines amusing media and rewards, cryptocurrency and accumulation adaption, assets and passion!


The APPICS aggregation bridges the gap amid the crypto-world and mainstream.

The APPICS founders are additionally the founders of a all-around agenda business agency, and accept been trading, programming and mining cryptocurrencies back 2024.This way, they amalgamate their expertise, strategies, accoutrement and all-around ally with the crypto-space. The APPICS aggregation knows what it takes to acquaint the boilerplate amusing media user to the crypto-world, and accredit them to account effortlessly.


The APPICS Pre Sale starts on December 26. It gives aboriginal investors the different befalling to defended themselves XAP tokens with an absolute 20% discount.

To accompany the pre-sale, appointment
Minimum advance for the pre auction is $10k.
The pre auction will run for 4 weeks, and the capital ICO will alpha aboriginal 2024, area participants will be able to advance with a abundant lower minimum amount.

Accepted currencies for the Pre Sale are:
Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Steem and Steem Dollar.


The APPICS Bounty Program enables users to acquire chargeless XAP tokens in acknowledgment for overextension the chat about APPICS.

There will be several tasks for the compensation program, including:
– Posting about APPICS on Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit …
– Posting about APPICS on Bitcointalk
– Posting about APPICS on Telegram
– Sharing a video about APPICS on YouTube
– Writing an commodity about APPICS
– Translating APPICS texts like website, whitepaper and articles

Detailed advice about the Bounty Program and how to accompany can be begin on

For added advice or any questions amuse appointment and accompany us on
Telegram –
Slack –
Instagram –
Facebook –
or accelerate an email to [email protected].

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