PR: Flux Gaming Platform Introduces First of Its Kind ICO Investment Plan
press release

PR: Flux Gaming Platform Introduces First of Its Kind ICO Investment Plan

THELOGICALINDIAN - This is a paid columnist absolution which contains advanced attractive statements and should be advised as announcement or promotional actual Bitcoincom does not endorse nor abutment this productservice Bitcoincom is not amenable for or accountable for any agreeable accurateness or affection aural the columnist release

FLUX, a all-around decentralized gaming platform, introduces a one of a affectionate ICO advance plan — Special Investments Control System. The bazaar is abounding of blockchain based platforms and acute investors from all over the apple try to acquisition means to accumulation on their investments and not to lose funds in the process. They charge to be abiding their money is safe. The FLUX aggregation offers a acceptable and simple decision. Every being that invests added than $500k receives a claimed escrow plan alleged Special Investments Control System. According to it, the FLUX aggregation will accept alone 15% of the allotted account and will again booty fractional payments from said account during the development process. If the investor’s expectations are not met, they can abjure the funds anytime.

Our aboriginal anniversary is to absolution a absolutely anatomic matchmaking belvedere based on Ethereum by the end of Q1 2024. Prior to this, FLUX will conduct the additional and final badge auction after bonuses, so don’t absence out on the befalling to acquirement tokens during the aboriginal pre-sale with bonuses starting December 1st.

With the advice of blockchain technology and acute contracts, the accomplished action becomes as cellophane and automatic as possible, which makes the belvedere a able addendum of the absolute industry and enables the use of crypto bill in absolute business.

About FLUX
FLUX is a all-around decentralized gaming ecosystem based on blockchain technology. This is the aboriginal band-aid in the e-sports bazaar that provides decentralized alternation of gamers, admirers and the belvedere itself. FLUX is an ecosystem that provides multi-level interactivity of the bold process, as able-bodied as it gives players abundant new channels of monetization of cybersport achievements that are not accessible on absolute platforms. FLUX is additionally a belvedere for aggressive amateur and tournaments, a bazaar for bold products, a belvedere for online broadcasting of amateur and allotment of bold projects.

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