PR: Quantstamp and Experty Announce Partnership to Provide Smart Contract Auditing Consultations
press release

PR: Quantstamp and Experty Announce Partnership to Provide Smart Contract Auditing Consultations

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Today, Quantstamp and Experty appear their affiliation to break one of the better problems currently adverse the blockchain industry. Many blockchain companies are application acute contracts, and due to the ample amounts of money that canyon through them, it’s acute that these affairs are secure. Currently, there isn’t abundant focus on auditing and accepting these contracts. Experty and Quantstamp plan to amalgamate their efforts to break this problem.

With the contempo billow of blockchain based startups and ICOs, there is a amazing charge for acute arrangement auditing. Quantstamp provides this account by accepting and auditing acute affairs for its clients. They will be application Experty’s acid bend appointment belvedere to accomplish this. With Experty, Quantstamp eliminates the problems that appear with announcement audience and ambidextrous with balance issues. They will be able to calmly agenda consultations, bill them, and accommodate the account immediately. The Experty belvedere provides an automated acquittal apparatus to acquiesce burning acquittal to Quantstamp from its clients. Quantstamp will be able to use voice, video, and accumulation calls to accommodate the best accessible account to their clients.

Experty CEO Kamil Przeorski bidding his action about the partnership, advertence “It is my amusement to advertise the affiliation with Quantstamp. We are absolutely aflame about the affiliation and attending advanced to alive with the amazing Quantstamp team. They are accouterment a abundant bare account in the industry and we plan to be a allotment of that band-aid in the abreast future.”

Quantstamp will additionally abetment Experty in auditing their own acute contracts. They will ensure Experty’s acute affairs are safe and secure.

About Quantstamp

Quantstamp Technologies, Inc. is based in Waterloo, Canada and San Francisco, California. In 2017, Quantstamp alien the aboriginal scalable security-audit agreement advised to acquisition vulnerabilities in Ethereum acute contracts. For added advice about Quantstamp, appointment Follow us on Twitter @Quantstamp.

About Experty

Experty, is based in Zug, Switzerland. Experty is a cutting-edge belvedere that allows for paid appointment in cryptocurrencies. For added advice on Experty, appointment us at, chase us on Twitter @Experty_io, or apprehend our blog at Experty_io.

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