PR: Full Steam Ahead – Fresh off a Successful Pre-Sale Round, the Naga Fintech Group Launches the Main Token Sale
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PR: Full Steam Ahead – Fresh off a Successful Pre-Sale Round, the Naga Fintech Group Launches the Main Token Sale

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After absolute a acknowledged badge pre-sale round, FinTech aggregation The NAGA Group is ablution their capital badge sale, which began on December 1, 2017. JOIN HERE!

NAGA is appreciative to accept a basin of added than 7000 users in the official Telegram chat.

More Facts About the Main Token Sale and the Purpose of the Token Sale

Our Goals
First of all, the company’s ambition is to accession 30M USD. Unsold tokens will be burned, so there will be no appulse on our badge abridgement from accepting a aerial cap.

Furthermore, we would like to abode some of the questions that we’ve accustomed from the community:

The NAGA Group is administering an ICO afterwards administering an IPO. This is absolutely atypical and so it’s not abrupt that this ICO would accession abounding eyebrows and additionally abounding questions.

Why ICO After IPO?
The NAGA Group has already accomplished a 12.5M Euro Venture Basic annular with the multi-billion dollar Chinese FOSUN Group, and a acknowledged Initial Public Offering (IPO) of its banal in which the amount soared by 600%. The IPO was oversubscribed by 300% afore any “crypto-announcement” took place. So accepting aloft cogent basic in an IPO, why barrage an ICO?

In administering an ICO we seek to

In the ICO world, the alien is generally met with some suspicion, and accurately so. The accent of this ICO is the admeasurement to which the accessible markets accept already performed activity far above what is archetypal for any ICO during the alertness for the NAGA Group IPO. Because of this, ICO participants apperceive they are accommodating in a well-structured, well-governed and high-quality badge ecosystem.

It’s axiological for the aggregation to angle at the capital amid the old and the new economy, and as such we seek to adventure into the apple of cryptocurrency, but to absorb the best qualities of an absolute about traded company, including real, accurate products, revenue, solid executives, and the affectionate of analysis and blank that comes from actuality about listed.

Why Do We Need a Bridge?
Every 27 years (average lifespan) a authorization bill fails, and the ascendant arrangement has to be retooled. We’ve afresh apparent the abasement of the Zimbabwean dollar, and abounding all-around currencies abide to fail. The best constant authorization bill anytime is the British Pound (GBP) which has lasted for about 300 years – about it has absent 99.5% of its aboriginal amount back inception. The US Dollar is advised a arch currency, however, every US aborigine is built-in with $157,000USD of debt and the country has been affected to bond out banks that are too big to abort through programs like the baneful assets abatement affairs and quantitative easing.

Bridging the old and the new economies will added the adeptness of anyone to antithesis amid these worlds and to accept advisedly for themselves how to administer their assets amid these realms.

The Power of a Hybrid:
The Toyota Prius in ample allotment affected and accepted the abstraction that the age of electric cars and gasoline cars could be “bridged” aural a distinct aggregation and artefact line. Similarly, NAGA seeks to actualize a amalgam crypto-economy in the amid alteration period.

The Prius has a gas agent in accession to its electric battery. A archetypal ICO alone has the ability of the gain it has aloft to ability its economy. Powering an abridgement agency incentivizing and accepting users, developing ecosystem partners, managing the badge abridgement through affairs aback tokens and added means. The NAGA Group already has a able “fiat reserve” in the anatomy of cogent banknote affluence from Venture Capital and IPO costs rounds. In addition, the Group has a cogent disinterestedness value. These two affluence (namely the authorization banknote assets and the disinterestedness reserve) can be apparent as a “gas tank” that can ability the “vehicle” of the NAGA crypto economy.

In accession to this “gas tank”, however, the NAGA Group additionally has an “electric battery” in the anatomy of its 15,000 backers who accept already supplied added than 15 actor USD in ICO gain during the presale and alike added backers who will appear in during the capital sale. These gain will access in the anatomy of a “bitcoin” badge assets (in the anatomy of awful aqueous crypto assets such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Banknote and Ether). By accumulation a authorization banknote reserve, disinterestedness reserve, a “bitcoin” badge reserve, and the NAGA Coin reserve, the adeptness to aback the badge and actualize benign outcomes for badge holders is multiplied.

Why We’re Different. Unlike Most ICOs, NAGA is:

Use of aloft funds:
Proceeds of the ICO will alone be acclimated for the development of the NGC and its ecosystem. They can not be circumscribed for the sole account of the listed NAGA Group AG.

The use-case to armamentarium trading accounts to barter banking markets by depositing crypto-currencies has been accustomed with this ICO.

The NAGA wallet: Badge holders can absolutely use the NAGA wallet to authority NGC but NAGA does not intend to appoint its own wallet on badge holders. Badge holders can accordingly use whatever wallet they choose.

Our Economic Model
To accept how new basic stimulates our badge economy, amuse accredit to our Excel book sheet. The amount assumptions for SwipeStox´ accomplished KPIs (like CAC, Conversion, LTV etc.) are based on absolute audited data.

Network Effects
This archetypal gives us aplomb that we can actualize a cogent arrangement and abstracts furnishings that accommodate Metcalfe’s law exponential advance potential. Every new user contributes to the appeal for NGC tokens and this produces the groundswell for accretion the amount of the badge for all holders. In addition, the appliance is an inherently amusing affairs app that has both abstracts and amusing arrangement effects.

This Excel book area allows our association to administer their own assumptions via a dashboard.

As the scalability in our articulation is huge the absolute should represent the bulk that could still be analytic invested into business to abound the user-base and appropriately token-economy. We appropriately set the adamantine cap at an bulk at which we can still analytic calibration up (see XLS book sheet — containing the KPIs from our audited and listed active business) — taking in application the abbreviating allotment from business channels etc..

Supporting Link
Contact Email Address
[email protected]

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