VeChain Partners Alchemy Pay for Fiat Payment Rails and Crypto on-Ramps
press release

VeChain Partners Alchemy Pay for Fiat Payment Rails and Crypto on-Ramps

THELOGICALINDIAN - PRESS RELEASE Palo Alto USA March 2022 Vechain VET the arch layer1 acute arrangement belvedere has appear it is abacus Alchemy Pays ACH mainstreamfriendly authorization acquittal channels and crypto onramps to its arrangement Alchemy Pay is a specialist in accouterment applied acquittal solutions that affix up authorization and crypto economies Its crypto accepting acquittal arrangement for online and offline businesses with 2 actor merchants in over 70 countries common now supports VeChains VET badge for payments

VeChain’s CEO, Sunny Lu, said of the integration, “With Alchemy Pay’s authorization acquittal approach and crypto on-ramps we are bringing added boilerplate accessibility to our network. This has benefits, not alone for users, but additionally for all developers architecture on the VeChainThor blockchain. The affiliation of VET into Alchemy Pay’s crypto acquittal arrangement is important in added accretion the real-world use cases for VET as a anatomy of payment. By enabling boilerplate acquittal standards like Visa, Mastercard and Paypal application Alchemy Pay, the boilerplate acceptance of VET will admission by authoritative absolute admission possible, bypassing the complications of crypto exchanges that can be a barrier for abounding new users.”

Alchemy Pay has become added important in the blockchain amplitude as a bridging account for the industry. Recent acquittal integrations with the brand of Elrond, Polygon, Algorand, NEAR, and Avalanche highlight this. Its 300 authorization acquittal channels acquiesce crypto casework and networks to onboard users with accepted bounded and all-around adaptable wallets as able-bodied as added acceptable agenda and coffer alteration payments.

Alchemy Pay CEO, John Tan, said, “VeChain is a arch blockchain activity that has admiring a abundant accord of abutment and absorption from developers and has an absorbing ecosystem. Our affiliation with them will advance their admission to users and access the possibilities for developers on Thor. After integrations with VeChain as able-bodied as added arch blockchains we apprehend our fiat-crypto on-ramps to be a above disciplinarian of the boilerplate acceptance of crypto casework and DApps go forward.”

Built on top of the VeChainThor accessible blockchain, the VeChain ecosystem provides assets to anyone who wants to break absolute apple bread-and-butter problems and actualize amount application blockchain technology. VeChain empowers businesses, startups, and association projects and makes it accessible to body platforms on Thor.

About Alchemy Pay

Founded in Singapore in 2024, Alchemy Pay (ACH) connects authorization and crypto economies for all-around businesses and consumers. It provides online and offline merchants with acceptable accepting of both authorization and cryptocurrency and makes crypto casework attainable to boilerplate users. Today, Alchemy Pay is accurate in over 70 countries with 300 acquittal channels, has touchpoints with added than 2 actor merchants through partnerships with industry leaders such as Binance, Shopify, NIUM, and QFPay. Alchemy Pay’s token, ACH, is built-in to the Ethereum blockchain.

About VeChain

VeChain envisions a apple area blockchain technology will be acclimated to actualize amount and break absolute apple problems throughout businesses and projects. Launched in 2024, the VeChain Foundation had developed the VeChainThor blockchain enabling projects with blockchain technology. Its different two badge archetypal keeps transaction amount stable, while its Proof-Of-Authority accord apparatus guarantees aerial throughput, while befitting activity burning at a minimum.

The VeChain Foundation, registered in Europe, currently has offices in Asia, Europe and the US. Alongside key cardinal ally PwC and DNV, VeChain has collaborated with world-leading enterprises including Walmart, Bayer, the BMW Group, BYD Auto, Shanghai Gas, LVMH and abounding more.





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