press releases


THELOGICALINDIAN - A new deflationary Token a new ICO FairLaunch and added ALYA

The Alyattes activity is a accumulated activity consisting of 6 platforms on a primary base and added sub-platforms on accessory basis. These platforms accommodate key affinity with anniversary added and differentiate the Alyattes activity from added projects. Anniversary of these platforms creates an alone functionality for ALYA and developed by the Team are namely ALYA Finance, ALYA AI- Trading,  ALYACare, ALYASwap, ALYAEx and ALYAFun.

ALYA Token was created on the BSC Network and its absolute accumulation is bound to 205 million. A appropriate coding in ALYA Token algorithm deducts 5% from every Transaction. The coding distributes 2% of this Taxation amid to Holders in a decentralized way to accomplish a acquiescent assets for those who alone accumulate ALYA in their wallets. The affection burns 2% of the agency to abate the bulk of bread in apportionment and accordingly acclimation accumulation and demand. Finally, the coding sends 1% of the agency to the ALYA-Care to be acclimated for expenditures such as food, apprenticeship and bloom of accouchement in charge all over the world.


ALYA Token developers accept consistently focused on a user-oriented arrangement development. Hence, the Team’s own wallets aggregate in the Whitepaper forth with Wallet Addresses and Usage areas accept been afar from the ecosystem declared above. Hence, a fair arrangement will be congenital to assure users.

65.27% of the absolute accumulation is bound in the Mining Wallet. It will be broadcast to miners via a absolutely decentralized Smart Contract over an boilerplate aeon of 5 years. Block rewards will additionally be automatically broadcast amid the investors. All capacity about the PoS & PoA Mining and accolade arrangement are explained in abyss in the Whitepaper.

ALYA Token has not been awash to anyone or any academy yet. Again, the Team accept fabricated a absolutely fair Pre-sale plan, area anybody is accustomed according conditions. Registration for Pre-sale will activate on November 1, 2024, and the Presale will booty abode on November 15, 2024 at 3:00 PM GMT 3.

ALYA will be listed aboriginal on Pancakeswap afterwards the Pre-sale. The added clamminess will be bound  100% and alike the Team will not baffle with it. All abundant advice about this clamminess and advertisement processes is accustomed in the whitepaper.

Even admitting ALYA Token cannot be traded in the bazaar yet, it has already anesthetized the tests of CERTIK, which is advised to be the best Security Audit Company in the world. The activity has already accustomed the Smart Contract Security Audit Report.

If we briefly appraise the platforms mentioned above;

The affairs that are mentioned actuality are briefly abbreviated in adjustment to accommodate investors an acumen about the processes which will be followed in the ALYATTES project. Apart from these, abounding planned projects are accessible and cat-and-mouse for their turn. Each activity will arise over time as a functionality and acumen for alternative for ALYA Token.

ALYA Token enters the bazaar with a actual ambitious, another and absolute ecosystem plan.

Let’s not balloon that the phases and prices in the Pre-sale, the affability of the advertisement conditions, as able-bodied as the Referral Bonuses and mining bonuses.

You can acquisition added abundant information, Whitepaper and answers to all your added questions on our website.