Lightning Conference 2024 Highlights
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Lightning Conference 2024 Highlights

THELOGICALINDIAN - The countdown Lightning Appointment was captivated in Berlin Germany on the weekend of October 2024 2024 It was the aboriginal all-around appointment alone focused on the Lightning Network

The ambition of the appointment was to body on the drive that the Lightning Network has acquired in 2024 and to accompany calm Lightning developers, implementations and the broader community. The acknowledgment of the appointment has been overwhelmingly absolute with over 500 attendees and 90 speakers from beyond the world.

Organized by the creators of the #LightningHackday, the appointment featured abstruse talks, panels, workshops, and demos. 

Recordings of the allocution and console agreeable can be begin on the LN Conference’s official YouTube-channel

Conference Highlights


LND, C-Lightning, and Eclair (the three above Lightning Network implementations) all aggregate a bastard blink of their agnate roadmaps, from what should be accepted in the approaching to how they’re cerebration about analytic today’s problems.

Improving Onboarding/UX

Improving onboarding and user acquaintance was one of the capital capacity throughout abounding talks. The association has been cellophane in discussing the accepted accompaniment of on-boarding, the hurdles, and limitations of the user experience, and how to accouterment the absolute botheration from all accessible angles.

From watchtowers to pathfinding, simplified UI to new onramps, improvements to both applications and the arrangement are in the works to accomplish Lightning Arrangement technology added accessible. 

Lightning in action

With over a dozen demos and workshops, the second-floor drudge breadth was arena aught for seeing Lightning in action. The workshops acted as a amphitheater for developers to advertise their ideas, while acquisition real-time feedback. The audience breadth was abounding with adroitness that gave PolloFeed a run for its sats. In affiliation with a concrete component, these demos displayed the array of air-conditioned things Lightning Network technology can enable.

Key Announcements

Acinq appear Phoenix, a next-generation Bitcoin, and Lightning Wallet 

HTC appear HTC Exodus 1s, a new smartphone with an chip Bitcoin abounding node 

RADAR ION appear Strike Virtual Lightning Hackathon 

Satoshis Games appear Lightnight, a Lightning powered action royale bold

Bottle Pay gave a examination of its APIs, which will acquiesce developers to advantage their wallet basement whilst architecture apps

For the abounding annual of Lightning Conference tweets see #TLC2024 and @LNConf Twitter account. 

Pictures of The Lightning Conference 2019 can be begin here: Photo credit: Enid Valu,

The Lightning Conference 2019 was sponsored by Bottle Pay, a activity focused on boilerplate acceptance for Lighting via amusing media and BitMEX Research.

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