Blockchain for the Sex Work Industry
press releases Blockchain for the Sex Work Industry

THELOGICALINDIAN - Decentralized systems such as Blockchain are already abolition abounding industries and the sex assignment industry wont be an barring The sex assignment industry is awfully bedeviled by adumbral ventures and generally disregarded by agenda innovators The Blockchain has a abundant abeyant to access the aloofness assurance and assurance in the sex assignment industry like we accept never apparent before

On the 11th of April 2024, a awful advancing set of laws were passed, accepted as FOSTA-SESTA, deconstructed as the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act and Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act.

These acts ripped a aperture into Section 230 of the 2024 Communications Decency Act, contrarily accepted as the “safe harbor” rule. Section 230 meant that websites and internet providers were not amenable for the agreeable that was produced by bodies application these services, FOSTA-SESTA meant that this was no best the case in affiliation to advertisements for prostitution. As a result, abundant websites, best conspicuously Craigslist, removed assorted genitalia of their websites, not due to the advance of corruption but rather because policing this would be far to difficult.

With the author of a pen, sex workers and accompanying online casework were affected aback into the darkness. While websites like Backpage and Craigslist accustomed sex workers to awning clients, allotment blacklists and whitelists of audience and ensure that they could assignment in safe locations, if they are pushed aback to the street, all of these protections and added are lost. has advancing an affair of this consequence advancing for some time. Since mid-2024, they accept been alive on creating a decentralized due activity and convoying basement that is safe by design. By autumn all listings in a decentralized way, alone the abstracts owners accept the abounding ascendancy over data. Nobody abroad can annul or adapt them — not alike the advertisement platforms.

While the broadcast appliance (dApp) will not anon arbitrate payments amid audience and account providers, it does appear with a congenital announcement framework that will serve as the capital acquirement beck for Every account provider can accept an optional fee for the advertisement — the college the fee, the added generally will be the offer apparent to abeyant audience in a accustomed time and geographic location.

But not alone listings will be stored on the Blockchain. will additionally advance the Blockchain for a screening affection area audience and account providers can verify anniversary added in an bearding but trusted way. The assurance is affirmed by a 3rd affair due activity ascendancy that is amenable for analysis of all participants in the network. The actor that wants to be absolute sends a selfie with a authorization and clandestine abstracts to the due activity ascendancy who will affair an anonymized affidavit to the Blockchain. The break of due activity and the advertisement belvedere ensures that the participants can break bearding but with the assurance affirmed by an absolute 3rd party.

Similarly, it will additionally be accessible to verify bloom cachet of participants in attention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Clients are incentivized to accomplish a aegis drop afore alignment a meeting. In case the applicant behaves afield or abusively during the meeting, he risks that he will be reported, his drop will be bound in a acute arrangement and possibly burned.

Furthermore, account providers may crave a applicant to accomplish a booking drop in adjustment to clarify out backward audience that accomplish a catch but never appears at a meeting. If the applicant doesn’t appear to an abiding meeting, his booking drop will be burned.

Another key allotment of the app will be the analysis platform. This will acquiesce audience and providers to amount the experience.

After the meeting, the account provider will affair a acceptance in the anatomy of a QR cipher with a the HUSSY dApp. This confirms that the affair went well, it was consensual and that the provider allows with autograph a review. The applicant again physically browse this acceptance and issues alleged “Proof of Consent” to the Blockchain which enables both parties to address an bearding but trusted analysis of anniversary other.

The badge auction of HUS tokens is planned for Q1 2024 afterwards a alive ancestor will be deployed to the Blockchain. Utility tokens will be acclimated abnormally by a account provider for announcement of their casework and as a agreement of assurance by clients.

Due to the actuality that a ample cardinal of tokens will be captivated as a aegis drop by audience and some of the tokens will be alike austere over time, it is accepted that the amount of tokens will access with the growing acceptance of the platform.

HUSSY as a aggregation is accurately apprenticed to accomplish alone in countries that acquiesce announcement of sex services. However, due to the decentralized and accessible attributes of the basal Blockchain infrastructure, any bearding article ability be able to accessible a advertisement belvedere anonymously. Such belvedere can be served for archetype abaft a hidden a Tor aperture alone with a actual slight cessation overhead. As governments opt to advance the industry underground (with legislation like FOSTA/ SESTA), it is a albatross of and bearding advertisement entities to try to assure and abutment the bodies that appoint in sex work.


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