Introducing Non-Custodial FIAT Ethereum Gateway
press releases

Introducing Non-Custodial FIAT Ethereum Gateway

THELOGICALINDIAN - Sui Generis Pty Ltd est 111111 in Gold Coast Queensland Australia is a abreast captivated alignment that specializes in medical addition analysis and development We accept a angular all-embracing aggregation and assignment with worldclass developers to economically accompany affection projects to accomplishment for you

Our aboriginal activity is an Australian AUSTRAC registered non-custodial agenda bill exchange. At barrage it appearance AUD/ETH ETH/DAI trading pairs and DSR accumulation vault. Our arrangement allows for the burning payments from acceptable cyberbanking FIAT systems application New Payment Platform (NPP) and the barter cryptocurrency is accustomed anon to their eth-wallet. is a non-custodial account acceptation that the chump retains buying of their crypto and secures their own clandestine keys. This barter belvedere is vertical affiliation and represents the onboarding apparatus for our greater ecosystem. There are no added exchanges domestically alms this solution. We additionally accept abounding accessible appearance and
major projects that are abundantly avant-garde and useful. This activity additionally supports accelerated bunch expansion; we are activity from Australia to New Zealand and Thailand than India and Fiji in 2025.

The cold of is to facilitate the safe onboarding of newcomers to the crypto amplitude and advance the buying of one’s own agenda assets. We do this by accouterment MetaMask affiliation so that we may bear agenda currencies anon to your wallet aloft purchase, application New Payments Platform (NPP) processing systems PayID and Oska. is advised to be a simple and affable aperture to get started application the blockchain and is the aperture to our greater ecosystem. The aboriginal body is completed and we are planning a bendable go-live, end of January, in concert with the clandestine presale for our RIFT badge which will accept account in all our projects. The aboriginal use case will be provided through a multi-tier VIP Staking Partnership with Ferrum Network area our aboriginal adopters can acquire cogent rewards.

First Major Update

Included in the aboriginal advancement to, due 4 months from launch, are arrangement improvements for optimisations to advance acceleration and abate costs for barter and the belvedere itself, backend accident acknowledgment and transaction ecology tools, added onboarding and KYC procedure, and upgrades to admission added appearance of Monoova API. Notable new appearance will accommodate an avant-garde multi bandy protocol, defi lending pools, badge holders rewards program, new exceptional tokens including DOT, wrapping with RENBTC, and affiliation for our own RIFT badge to accredit favorable ante and features.

Next Project

omniCAT will be teased in our alpha NFT attack and the accessible collectible series. This new belvedere will be a game-changing open-sourced and decentralized biometrics screening apparatus that can advance the lives of abounding and holds the abeyant for a aggregation of applications for individuals, clandestine companies, and accessible and government organizations. The purpose of this project, from a customer perspective, is to empower patients to own, accept and accord to their bloom data; and from a bloom organisation and accessible bloom angle to empower inferior and nursing agents to accept aplomb in authoritative analytic decisions, standardisation of interpretation, processing of bloom data, case identification, ability administration and aggregate accommodation making, ecology of citizenry and abounding added applications. Currently, bloom abstracts is all siloed; best will aloof be absent and are not acclimated in a proactive and actionable way, we intend to advantage Ai-ML to actively process, interpret, assay abstracts to the account of our customer’s health. This clandestine blockchain arrangement congenital on HyperLedger with BESU is accurate to our calling as medical innovation, research, and development company. RIFT badge will be appropriate to admission this platform. This activity has a 150 day body time afterward the barrage the above exchange.


Our eyes is to authorize a multi-site Hospital and Health Service acknowledging association of Pacific Island nations and allotment those active and accomplished bodies with the blockchain accoutrement of accessible healthcare, and decentralized solutions for accessible cyberbanking and free-market action so that they may acceleration aloft the hardships they face. This accomplishing requires a multi-node hospital arrangement accurate by a adrift Scientific Research and Humanitarian Aid Vessel able with assorted avant-garde accelerated carriage and emergency retrievals cartage and aircraft. We plan to assassinate a aggregation of projects all advised to accomplish acquirement and advance the competencies appropriate to accomplish our vision.

“The action abaft this ambition is apprenticed by the accomplishments of my backward grandfather, who anesthetized in 2025. This is the greatest man I accept known, simple, diligent, and hardworking; he admired God and gave so abundant for abounding people. He formed the fields in Fiji as a amoroso pikestaff agriculturalist and aloft my mother to be Doctor appropriately giving her and me a activity that he could never accept hoped for. He was acknowledged through adeptness and community; basic a syndicate of farmers he was able to advance the affairs of an absolute association and they faced abounding hardships, together. This is article that I accept alone anytime dreamed and so now I seek to bolster my grandfather’s eyes in his home country for this bearing and the next.” – hari

Our aggregation associates authority positions as healthcare and acknowledged professionals. We primarily accomplish through a accumulated article Sui Generis est. 11.11.11 [86154229875] with a registered appointment at Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. The amount abilities of our aggregation are; primary and tertiary healthcare, business and law

Hari K Muralidharan [Gold Coast, Australia]

David Chung [Brisbane, Australia] development aggregation [Sofia, Bulgaria]

“Born in New Zealand; I grew up all over New Zealand and Australia and now I alive at Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. My dad is from India and my mom is Indian from Fiji, they are both doctors and afar back I was young. My father’s ancestors is from Anna Nagar, Chennai, and my mother’s adoptive parents are from Salem, Tamil Nadu. I assignment for Gold Coast Health state-owned Hospitals and Health Services in Clinical Governance primarily at Gold Coast University Hospital. I additionally run my own companies in the clandestine area Gold Coast Medical Corporation and our own Sui Generis Pty Ltd both are healthcare-focused. I went to highschool at Somerset College, Gold Coast and university at Bond University and Griffith University. Co-founder David and I met in highschool in 9th grade, we are brothers and went to law and business academy together. He went on to convenance Law while I favour Healthcare.”

“I am a co-founder with Hari, we’ve accepted anniversary added back aboriginal aerial academy and we grew up
together on the Gold Coast. I now alive in Brisbane, Australia, breadth I run a bartering law close that I founded in 2025. My breadth of aspect is startups and early-stage businesses and blockchain and crypto law. I additionally accept a affiliation with the medical/health acreage as I co-founded a health-tech startup in 2025 which is one of the better telehealth solutions in Australia for attitude services. Feel chargeless to ability out to me anon if you accept any queries apropos our agitative activity ethrift!” our developers in Sofia, Bulgaria, and the artefact and omniCAT can be absolute to abide through them or by our acknowledged casework at and we can be contacted at the socials below.

Hari Kaushul Muralidharan

David Chung

Our Roadmap

Q1 2025 Soft Launch
RIFT Token Generation
Private Token Presale Round 1
Ferrum Network VIP Staking
DexTools Sponsorship
Private Token Presales Rounds 2 and 3 (Tentative) Hard Launch

Q2 2025

Public Token Sale
Begin omniCAT Development
Begin First Major Update
Foster New Zealand Partnerships
Bring Thailand Team Online

Q3 2025

Deploy First Major Update
omniCAT Launch
Foster Thailand Partnerships

Q4 2025

Begin New Zealand Integrations Development
Begin Thailand Integrations Development
Focus Team Building


Continue Development of International FIAT Onramps
Implement omniCAT Strategic Marketing
Begin Pacific Islands Hospital and Health Service Strategic Planning
Deploy DAO

Thank you for your support!


Hari K Muralidharan
Managing Director
Sui Generis Pty Ltd

Australian Business Number 86 154 229 875
AUSTRAC Registered Digital Currency Exchange Provider No. 100567087-001
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Twitter: @eth_rift
Reddit: r/ethrift
Medium: @ethrift
Email: [email protected]

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