Introducing Position Exchange – a new Decentralized Trading Protocol fully On-Chain
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Introducing Position Exchange – a new Decentralized Trading Protocol fully On-Chain

THELOGICALINDIAN - According to contempo analysis about 86 of trading action was handled by Centralized Exchanges CEXs In actuality it is acceptable to abundance users cryptocurrencies in a centralized abode area they can be anon acclimated for trading and abstain transaction fees by artlessly reallocating user funds application a centralized database after absolutely authoritative any onchain transfers While those processes are ambrosial for new investors they appear with abundant downsides and limitations which are gradually damaging their agreeableness amid users

Chief amid these limitations is the actuality that they’re centralized. This would affectation a aegis accident back a ample sum of user funds is concentrated in a distinct abode to actualize a ample ambition for hackers and is accountable to whims and wills of the governments and jurisdictions in which they operate.

The CEXs are additionally able to bind who is and isn’t accustomed to use their platform, while additionally potentially alms best admission to beyond institutional traders. This becomes decidedly ambiguous during aerial traffic-induced downtimes, back ample operators may absorb connected admission to the adjustment books, while accessible traders face abeyant defalcation and cannot administer their orders reliably.

This bearings best frequently occurs during acute amount movements, arch to a abundant accord of annoyance for those that are afflicted by the blow — such as actuality asleep or actuality clumsy to abode orders. Since centralized exchanges do not acquiesce users to admission their own clandestine keys, users accept no best but to delay until the barter reopens casework afore they can admission their funds. This botheration has helped to ammunition the “not your keys, not your coins” movement — which urges users to abstain platforms that crave aegis of the clandestine keys.

Though CEXs currently charcoal the best accepted way to buy and barter cryptocurrencies, they are rapidly accident beef to decentralized platforms — accepted as DEXs.

As the name would suggest, these platforms do not await on any centralized intermediaries to function, and as a result, aren’t accountable to any government or alignment and are chargeless of censorship and bounded restrictions. Instead, they are absolutely decentralized protocols that are attainable to anybody at any time.

In the ablaze of the above, we are blessed to acquaint Position Exchange Protocol – A new Decentralized Trading Protocol absolutely on-chain powered by a vAMM and operating on Binance Smart Chain initially, aiming to arch the gap amid bodies and the cryptocurrency markets and enhance trading experiences.

The agreement offers attainable and attainable Derivatives Trading in which users can barter Crypto Derivatives Products (with a plan to aggrandize into added assets in the future) absolutely on-chain clearly and trustlessly, with aerial aegis and privacy.

The belvedere is advised to bear all the advantages of Decentralized Finance whilst bringing the acceptable Centralized Finance acquaintance and accoutrement onboard. To acknowledgment High leverage, low slippage, and low costs as able-bodied as absolute orders all while analytic the clamminess affair application the vAMM.

Moreover, Position Exchange’s aggregation formed adamantine to architecture a convenient and adorable interface acceptance traders of all kinds to barter with ease.

“Our Vision is to accomplish Decentralized Derivatives trading accessible and accessible to anybody as able-bodied as to body the best community-driven belvedere in the DeFi industry, area every distinct user plays an important allotment of the decisional action by accepting an able role in defining and abstraction Position Exchange and its approaching development.”

Unlike best of the contempo tokens created by added exchanges mainly for crowdfunding purposes and for abbreviation the trading fees, POSI comes with a altered and different approach. All the fees and revenues from the agreement will be broadcast aback to all POSI holders by a apparatus alleged Buy-Back and Burn absolutely on-chain. This would mean, aloof by captivation POSI you’re a stakeholder and will be able to accept a allotment from the revenue.

Along with the mentioned, holders can get abridgement on agreement trading fees, access their POSI balances through the RFI technology, and pale on Farm or NFT pools.

Position Barter has been in development back February 2025. The belvedere was accessible a ages ago and started to accumulate a acceptable association around. The appearance will be developed footfall by footfall afterward a anxiously planned schedule. The Token was appear to the accessible forth with the agriculture feature. Staking and NFTs will be out in August as able-bodied as the aboriginal adaptation of the Protocol on Testnet. The Certik is planned for the aforementioned ages forth with above partnerships and listings. The mainnet barrage is planned for September. Position barter will again move to multichain in adjustment to abate the on-chain gas fees. The adaptable App will be appear in October.


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