Polkadex, DEX built for Web3, Raises $3M from LD Capital, Kenetic Capital, QCP Capital, CMS Holdings, Outlier Ventures, and more
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Polkadex, DEX built for Web3, Raises $3M from LD Capital, Kenetic Capital, QCP Capital, CMS Holdings, Outlier Ventures, and more

THELOGICALINDIAN - Mar 4 2024 Polkadex the decentralized barter DEX congenital for Web3 and decentralized accounts DeFi has aloft 3 actor in berry and clandestine advance circuit from LD Capital Kenetic Capital NGC Ventures QCP Capital AU21 Capital CMS Holdings Block Dream Fund PNYX Ventures Genesis Block Ventures JRR Group Cluster VC GBIC Momentum 6 Master Ventures DAG YBB Foundation Blocksync Ventures BTX Capital Waterdrip Capital Genblock Capital Existential Capital and Outlier Ventures The gain will be acclimated to ammunition Polkadexs advance and become the aboriginal orderbook based DEX in the Polkadot blockchain ecosystem

Polkadex offers the functionality and achievement of a centralized exchange, but with bigger user-experience, absolutely decentralized security, and abstruse advancements no added DEX has achieved. Some of these achievements are layer2 ascent band-aid for orderbook, abiding clamminess mining, and feeless transactions, which annihilate frontrunning and all “gas fees” associated with absolute exchanges.

The DEX Optimized for High Frequency Trading

Trading aggregate on DEX’s has rapidly developed to over $70 billion, but the industry is still bedfast by low liquidity, apathetic processing, aerial costs, and a poor user experience. Polkadex addresses all these problems and intends to absolutely alleviate the banking trading markets application the best avant-garde blockchain basement of Polkadot. Especially noteworthy is Polkadex’s trading time, that will abutment aerial abundance transactions. Polkadex aims to become a parachain to arch clamminess from the ecosystem and additionally derisk its aegis and accord to Polkadot.

Polkadex optimizes the aerial abundance trading ambiance through ancillary trading operations powered by Polkadot. Polkadex uses its own band 2 ascent band-aid called Offchain State Commits to ability it’s orderbook. AMMs accumulated clamminess beyond DeFi pools and action fee-less affairs in alongside at aerial speeds. Retail and day traders additionally accept admission to avant-garde trading tools, including bots, customized trading algorithms, API abstracts links, and avant-garde bazaar orders.

The Polkadot Ecosystem Funding Wave

Polkadex will administer its ERC-20 token, PDEX, through an antecedent badge alms in the aboriginal bisected of 2024. Polkadot projects accept been abnormally accepted with investors and developers, with hundreds of new applications actuality congenital for the platform, authoritative it the best alive nextgen Web3 blockchain infrastructure.

“Polkadex is one of the best able projects amid our portfolio. Compared with Ethereum-based DEX such as Uniswap and Sushiswap, Polkadex leverages Substrate’s abstruse advantages: cross-chain transaction abutment and aerial scalability to body the next-generation DEX unlocking the abounding abeyant of users‘ agenda assets for trading. I was afflicted by Polkadex’s team. Polkadex’s aggregation consists of blockchain professionals with advanced industry exposure. They are smart, advancing and hardworking. I durably accept that Polkadex will be one of the best assuming projects in 2024,” commented Li Xi, Partner at LD Capital. 

Gautham J. CEO of Polkadex: “The abutment and assurance we accept accustomed from the Polkadot ecosystem is added affidavit to the problems we are aggravating to solve. We are on the bend of creating a new era in Defi” 

About Polkadex: Polkadex is a absolutely decentralized, peer-to-peer orderbook-based cryptocurrency barter for the Defi ecosystem in substrate. With Polkadex, you get the aforementioned trading functionality and achievement of a centralized exchange, but with the added allowances of bigger user-experience and absolutely decentralized security.

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